Right now, humanity is confronting one of the greatest challenges we’ve ever faced. Our climate is changing—rapidly. If we’re to prevent the worst effects of climate change, we’ll need to lower greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. And to meet that deadline, we’ll need to innovate like never before.
In Solving for Zero, explore the many different challenges we face, and how technology can help us do things differently, from how we make building materials to how we move around the world to how we grow food for an increasing population. This feature-length documentary, inspired by Bill Gates’ best-selling book, “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster,” is an informative and inspiring adventure into how everything we do needs to be done differently in order to adapt to rising sea levels, droughts, and other climate-related challenges.
You’ll meet the innovators and investors willing to take incredible risks to do incredible things, from harnessing the energy of a star while on Earth to building the largest sailing vessel in human history. And you’ll discover how, when you have enough smart people working on a problem, anything is possible. Even saving the planet.
Solving for Zero


01: Solving for Zero
In this Wondrium-exclusive documentary inspired by Bill Gates’ best-selling book, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, explore how changemakers are developing remarkable new tools and methods to help lower carbon emissions to net-zero by the year 2050.