A Day's Read


01: Kafka, “A Country Doctor”
Why are short literary works just as insightful—and just as great—as their more gargantuan counterparts? This introductory lecture not only answers this provocative question but uses Franz Kafka’s surreal five-page story, “A Country Doctor,” to illustrate just how engaging and dynamic a day’s read can be.

02: Prévost, Manon Lescaut
It’s long been considered a classic of French literature. It’s regarded as a masterpiece of the pre-Romantic era. Its use of the first-person narrative to tell the story of a frustrated relationship is provocative. Here, join Professor Weinstein as he takes you deep inside the pages of Manon Lescaut.

03: Flaubert, “A Simple Heart”
See Gustave Flaubert’s surgical precision as a realist writer at work in “A Simple Heart,” which is often overlooked over the author’s larger novels such as Madame Bovary and The Sentimental Education. How can such a short novella as this convey, in brilliant prose, the entirety of a human life?

04: Faulkner, “Pantaloon in Black”
Professor Weinstein helps you make sense of a powerful vignette taken from William Faulkner’s novel Go Down Moses. In doing so, he reveals how this day’s read—which deals with grief, dignity, and racial tensions—may well be Faulkner’s finest achievement of depicting African American life in fiction.

05: Borges, Short Story Selections
Get a wide-angle view of Jorge Luis Borges’s fascinating, mind-bending body of work with this examination of two widely acclaimed stories: “The Garden of Forking Paths” and “Emma Zunz.” You’ll come to see how these elegant and sometimes enigmatic metaphysical tales radically challenge our notions of time, space, and identity.

06: Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea
Discover fresh insights into Hemingway’s short novel The Old Man and the Sea. In this lecture, you’ll focus on what this brisk masterpiece has to say about growing old and the simple brutality of the animal kingdom—while also looking at the work as an unconventional type of love story.

07: O’Connor, Short Story Selections
Experience Flannery O’Connor at the height of her powers by comparing two stories that display the strange, often violent workings of Christian grace: “The River,” with its focus on the collision between the sacred and the secular; and “Judgment Day,” which ponders the final fate of our bodies and souls.

08: Lagerkvist, The Sybil
Spiritual malaise, lost innocence, startling links between paganism and Christianity—three provocative subjects that are at the center of The Sybil, a Swedish novel by Nobel laureate Pär Lagerkvist. Get a solid introduction to an unorthodox day-long read that sheds new light on familiar aspects of our world.

09: Vesaas, The Ice Palace
Tarjei Vesaas isn’t a household name when it comes to literary genius—but Professor Weinstein makes a solid case for why he should be. Your portal into Vesaas’s writing: The Ice Palace, a masterful tale about the strange bond between two 11-year-old girls navigating a world fraught with dangers.

10: Calvino, Invisible Cities
What exactly are cities? How do they evolve—if they do? Can you take the measure of a city or its people? Can someone possess a city? These questions are at the heart of Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities, a postmodern read that illuminates everything from imagination to desire to history.

11: Duras, The Lover
Perhaps the most famous French woman writer of the 20th century, Marguerite Duras is best known for her break with traditional narrative styles. See her skills at work in this piercing examination of her novel The Lover, with its disorienting time frame and provocative exploration of sexuality.

12: Coetzee, Disgrace
Can a short literary work chart an individual’s moral and spiritual evolution in a matter of pages? Professor Weinstein makes the case for the affirmative in his engaging lecture on J. M. Coetzee’s Disgrace, in which the reader is forced to confront deep truths about racial and gender tensions in South Africa.

13: Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea
Join Professor Allen as she becomes your guide through 12 more short reads—starting with Jean Rhys’s classic Wide Sargasso Sea. Here, she takes you beyond the novel’s much touted connection with characters from Jane Eyre and demonstrates how the novel stands on its own as a commentary on English imperialism.

14: Austen, Lady Susan
Jane Austen writing an “improper” novel? Find out why her overlooked Lady Susan, which depicts the exploits of England’s worst coquette, is worth experiencing; how its presence fits in the larger context of the 18th-century novel’s development; and why it can be considered Austen’s literary “road not taken.”

15: Balzac, The Girl with the Golden Eyes
A merciless critique of the Parisian upper crust in the mid-18th century, The Girl with the Golden Eyes is Balzac at his finest. After gaining background on the author’s style and subject matter, delve into reasons this particular work—more than any of his others—makes for a masterful day’s read.

16: Meredith, Modern Love
Learn how George Meredith’s verse novel Modern Love, an unflinching tale of infidelity and despair, challenged the basic tenets of Victorian literature and attempted to remake the genre of the novel. You’ll also examine how it demonstrates the ways poetry can go to places darker and more realistic than prose fiction.

17: Huysmans, Against the Grain
Against the Grain, with its lack of plot and single character, sounds like a novella that only a literature professor could love. But Professor Allen demonstrates just how wonderful and approachable this tale of Parisian decadence is—and offers you several tactics for enjoying this strange, “dangerous” work.

18: Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Learn new ways to read The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in this lecture that takes you through each of the book’s 10 brief chapters. In the process, you’ll find out just why this day’s read and its tortured central character make for such a compelling—and even transformative—literary adventure.

19: Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
Turn now to The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde’s controversial story of art, excess, and temptation. How are readers supposed to make sense of this apparent morality tale? What effect does Oscar Wilde’s real-life obscenity trial have on our reading? What about the book’s delightful stylistic perfection?

20: James, The Beast in the Jungle
The Beast in the Jungle is a watershed moment in the novella’s history—one that stretches the possibilities of the form and explores new stylistic ways to depict the turmoil of human consciousness. Read between the lines of Henry James’s masterpiece in search of the true meaning of its central character’s secret.

21: Joyce, “The Dead”
Here, Professor Allen lays out the distinct narrative technique of “The Dead,” talks you through some of the key episodes in this beautiful short story, and guides you to a greater appreciation of the story’s moving closer. The result: a new, fresh way to read James Joyce’s classic modernist tale.

22: Proust, The Lemoine Affair
Experience Marcel Proust—best known for his massive and dense In Search of Lost Time—at his lightest and frothiest with his pastiche, The Lemoine Affair. It’s a chance for you to marvel at Proust’s ability to mime the styles of the giants of French literature, including Balzac, Flaubert, and Saint-Simon.

23: Woolf, “Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street”
Before Virginia Woolf’s unforgettable novel Mrs. Dalloway, there was the short story that started it all: “Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street.” Come to see this day’s read as a stand-alone example of Woolf’s innovative way of representing human thought and experience through the power of the written word.

24: McEwan, On Chesil Beach
Professor Allen concludes her selection of short reads with On Chesil Beach, a 21st-century novel that probes the sexual and cultural mores of early 1960s England. Ian McEwan’s tragicomic work offers writing of extraordinary craft, beauty, and, most important, insight into the ways we can fail to communicate with one another.

25: Cather, Alexander’s Bridge
Professor Voth’s first selection of powerful and unforgettable day-long reads is Willa Cather’s often-overlooked first novel, Alexander’s Bridge. In this emotional story of a bridge engineer and his divided self, Cather crafts a gripping story about the loss of authentic identity and the inexorable (and sometimes fatal) pull of success.

26: Lu Xun, Short Story Selections
Continue pondering issues of identity in two short stories by the Chinese writer Lu Xun. “Diary of a Madman” centers on a paranoid who believes that everyone is plotting to eat him, while “Upstairs in a Wineshop” is an intriguing tale about a subtly tense meeting between two old school friends.

27: Chopin, The Awakening
Explore some of the different ways to approach and read Kate Chopin’s feminist novel The Awakening. Here, Professor Voth guides you through this powerful, provocative, and in some ways, controversial story of Edna Pontellier’s search for selfhood amid sharp tensions between her individualism, her gender, and her society.

28: Melville, Billy Budd
Billy Budd, which at first seems like a straightforward story of a sailor’s adventures, is anything but simple. In this engaging lecture, examine some of the questions and debates over the tale’s events, readers’ love-hate relationship with Captain Vere, and how Melville’s story is actually a story about reading.

29: McCullers, Ballad of the Sad Café
Why is this novel considered a “ballad,” and why has its narrative voice attracted such attention? How do Carson McCullers’s grotesque figures illustrate the book’s ideas about love? What are we to make of the work’s epilogue, told in the present tense? Find out in this lecture on Ballad of the Sad Café.

30: Chekhov, Short Story Selections
Dive into the pleasures and insights of two Anton Chekhov tales that throw startling light on the lives of women: “The Party” and “The Lady with the Dog.” Professor Voth shows how, in just one day, you can experience realist writing by one of Russia’s—and Western civilization’s—literary treasures.

31: Hersey, Hiroshima
Begin looking at day-long reads that use literary techniques to describe history. Your first work: John Hersey’s Hiroshima, a “nonfiction novel” that uses reportage and accounts of six survivors to create a stirring mosaic of life during and after the dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945.

32: Satrapi, Persepolis
Discover the literary merits of graphic novels with this lecture on Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis, the author’s stark, black-and-white recounting of life during Iran’s Islamic Revolution and the subsequent Iran-Iraq War. You’ll delve into the interaction between public and private history, and the ways that our personal and national narratives are created.

33: Jataka Story Selections
Examine a collection of 547 stories about events in the life of the Buddha, a work known as the Jataka, which dates back to the 4th century C.E. Professor Voth focuses on two tales—featuring a rich Brahmin family and a bull ox—to illustrate how this work still speaks to us even today.

34: Munro, Short Story Selections
Why is Alice Munro considered one of the greatest living short story writers? Find out in this engrossing look at two of her masterpieces, “Walker Brothers Cowboy” and “The Peace of Utrecht”—both of which illustrate the richness and mystery to be found in even the most banal-seeming circumstances.

35: Basho, The Narrow Road of the Interior
Investigate a genre new to this course: the travel narrative. Matsuo Basho’s The Narrow Road of the Interior is both a travelogue and a book of haiku in which poetry and prose work together to help Basho relive the experiences of his literary predecessors and transform his own poetry as well.

36: Sijie, Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress
End the course with Dai Sijie’s Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, about two teenagers’ dramatic experiences during Mao’s Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976. In particular, analyze the novel’s shocking ending and what it really suggests about the power of literature in the face of totalitarianism.