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iPad, iPhone, iPod

The Great Courses Plus App for Apple devices works best on iOS 12.0 and above. For more information, please see our FAQ section.

Apple Store

Android Devices

The Great Courses Plus App for Android devices supports all Android tablets and phones running OS 8.0 and above. For more information, please see our FAQ section.



You can access Great Courses Plus via any Roku device. To link your Great Courses Plus account to your Roku, please see the My Account section.

Amazon Fire TV

You can access Great Courses Plus via any Amazon Fire TV device. To link your Great Courses Plus account to your Amazon Fire TV, follow the instructions in the Great Courses Plus Fire TV app on your device.

Apple TV (4)

You can access Great Courses Plus on Apple TV (4th generation and higher). To link your Great Courses Plus account to your Apple TV, follow the instructions in the Great Courses Plus Apple TV app on your device.