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Tim Laman
Tim Laman

Achieve the right blend of technical skill and artistry, and your photos will really stand out.


National Geographic

About Tim Laman

Tim Laman is a contributing photographer for National Geographic magazine and a research associate in ornithology at Harvard University's Museum of Comparative Zoology. He received his Ph.D. from Harvard University and has been a regular contributor to National Geographic since 1997, where he has developed a reputation for capturing photographs of nearly impossible subjects.

A fellow with the International League of Conservation Photographers, Mr. Laman has constantly pursued his passion for exploring wild places and documenting little-known, endangered wildlife. The major focus of his photographic and scientific research has been the rain forests of Borneo and the Asia-Pacific Region. His numerous National Geographic magazine articles are devoted to promoting awareness of conservation issues, including endangered species (such as orangutans, proboscis monkeys, the Nuku Hiva pigeon, and the wrinkled hornbill) and biodiversity hotspots. Mr. Laman has also published more than a dozen scientific articles on rainforest ecology and birdlife.

Learn more about his work at

By This Professor

The National Geographic Guide to Landscape and Wildlife Photography

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