40 Techniques Every Sewer Should Know


01: Pressing Matters
Meet Gail, your instructor, and work with your iron to get amazing pressing results with woven fabrics and knits in a variety of ways.

02: Stitch Perfect
In this lesson, Gail walks you step by step through staystitching, understitching, and topstitching techniques.

03: Curves & Corners
Learn efficient ways to sew, grade, clip, and press tricky curves and corners.

04: Interfacing Tips
Choose the best interfacing for your garment, fuse full pattern pieces, learn block fusing, and reinforce shoulder seams.

05: Beautiful Bindings
Learn about bindings and facings; cut, join and attach binding strips; and create perfect inside and outside curves.

06: Sleeves Made Simple
Discover excellent gathering tips and construction methods for flat-constructed and set-in sleeves.

07: Getting Closure
Finish off your garments expertly as Gail shares tips for zipper installation, automatic buttonholes, bound buttonholes (even faux ones!), and making your custom covered buttons.

08: Bonus Tip
In this bonus tip, Gail shows you how to sew small circles and steep curves with ease!