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Frequently Asked Questions

About The Great Courses Plus

Where is Wondrium? What is the Great Courses Plus?
It’s a name change—and a recommitment to the mission we’ve focused on for decades: to offer you the most engaging, enriching, and trusted learning experiences. When we launched Wondrium in 2021, we set out to redefine our mission and broaden our content beyond courses, including documentaries and other shorter forms of content. And while the new content offerings introduced us to a broader community of lifelong learners, the truth is that so many of you told us you longed for the days when we focused on academically rigorous courses and lectures—why you came to The Great Courses in the first place!

The Great Courses Plus is the streaming home of thousands of hours of engaging courses designed to enrich and improve your life. Academically comprehensive and relentlessly engaging, our courses bring lifelong learners face-to-face with trusted professors and subject matter experts on topics ranging from science and history to philosophy and religion to travel and professional growth. Always ad-free, the Great Courses Plus is the place to experience the pure joy of learning—anytime, anywhere.

What is the difference between The Great Courses Plus and The Great Courses?
The Great Courses Plus is a subscription service that allows you to stream a curated collection of courses produced by The Great Courses. You can purchase digital downloads and DVDs of individual courses at

By linking your accounts, you can now watch all of your purchased material from the Great Courses on the Great Courses Plus.

How often will you add new content?
Every month, we add two to three brand new courses on The Great Courses Plus. We are also adding classic Great Courses to the Great Courses Plus on a monthly basis.
How does The Great Courses Plus’s free trial work?
Our free trial allows you to access The Great Courses Plus’s entire catalog of streaming courses on your favorite smart TV, streaming tool, or mobile device. Once your free trial ends, your credit card will be billed based on the membership plan you’ve selected. If you’d prefer to cancel, simply visit the My Account page and cancel in a few simple steps. If you cancel during your free trial period, you’ll retain access until that period ends and won’t be billed.
What are the additional benefits of subscribing to The Great Courses Plus?
A paid subscription to The Great Courses Plus includes:
  • Special discounts on purchased DVDs and digital downloads from The Great Courses
  • Free shipping from The Great Courses on all orders shipped in the United States and Canada
  • Access to PDFs of the guidebooks or workbooks

Manage My Account

I signed up for a Membership. How can I cancel my membership?

How you cancel, depends on how you signed up.

Via our website:

    • Hover over your name(email) on the top right corner of the page and select "My Account"
    • Click "Cancel membership" located under "Membership Plan Management"

Via mobile app for Apple devices:

    • Open the Settings icon on the iOS device
    • Click on “iTunes and App Store”
    • Tap on Apple ID at the top of the screen
    • Click “View Apple ID”
    • Enter Apple ID password and Sign In
    • Scroll down to the “Subscriptions” section
    • If you have an active subscription created through the iOS app it will appear under the “Active” section.
    • Select "The Great Courses Plus" and cancel.

Via mobile app for Android devices:

    • Launch the Google Play Store app.
    • Tap Menu
    • Click on My Apps or Apps
    • Click on Subscriptions and tap on the app of the subscription you’d like to cancel.

Via Roku:

    • Highlight the channel on your Roku
    • Click the "*" on the remote which is called Options
    • Select "Manage Subscription"
How do I update my membership account information?

Via website desktop or laptop:

  • Log into your account through the website, hover over your name (email) and select My Account.

Via website on mobile browser:

  • Tap Sign In at the top right of the screen and sign in.
  • Once signed in, tap your name (email) and select My Account.

The My Account section includes:

  • Changing your email address
  • Resetting your password
  • Updating your payment method
  • Viewing Billing history
  • Managing your devices
Can I order a membership to the Great Courses Plus as a gift?
Gift subscriptions are now available for purchase.  CLICK HERE
What is the cancellation policy for the Great Courses Plus?
You may cancel at anytime. No refunds are provided. You will have access to the content through the end of your billing period. If you cancel within the free trial period, your membership will remain active until the end of your free trial period. For more information, see our Terms of Service.
Am I allowed to show videos to a group?
The Great Courses Plus is for personal/private use only. However, if you looking to share this wonderful learning experience with a group, please contact our customer service team at
How do I opt-out of marketing emails from the Great Courses Plus
You may opt-out of marketing emails by setting your email preferences on the "My Account" section of the website. You can reach this page via the menu that appears when you hover over your username in the upper right corner of the website, or under "Settings" if you are on the mobile website. You may also opt-out of marketing emails through the "unsubscribe" link provided at the bottom of any marketing email that you receive from the Great Courses Plus


Alright, what’s this going to cost me?
You’ve got options! We offer a monthly plan, a quarterly plan, or an annual plan. Every plan offers a free trial, unlimited streaming, the benefits listed above (and more), and it’s easy to cancel at any time if you really, really want to. Visit our plans page if you want the deets about each plan.
How can I review my next billing amount and date?
You can review the next billing date and next billing amount from the "My Account" section on our website. You can reach this page via the menu that appears when you hover over your username in the upper right corner of the website. Your next billing date and amount will appear on this page.

To view your payment history:

  • If you purchased through the mobile app for your iOS device
    • Open Settings icon on the iOS device
    • Click your name at the top of the screen
    • Click “Subscriptions”
    • If you have an active subscription it will appear under the "Active" section.
  • If you purchased through the mobile app for your Android device
    • Launch the Google Play Store app.
    • Tap Menu
    • Click on My Apps or Apps
    • Click on Subscriptions and tap on the app of the subscription you’d like to view
  • If you purchased through the Roku app
    • Go to and sign into your account.  Then go to the subscriptions section of your account.
Do I need to pay sales taxes on my purchases?
The Teaching Company collects taxes in: AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, HI, IN, KY, LA, ME, MN, MS, NC, NE, NJ, NM, OH, PA, RI, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, WA, WI, and WY. Alabama Tax Disclosure statement: Seller has collected the simplified sellers use tax on this transaction(s) and the tax will be remitted on the customer’s behalf to the Alabama Department of Revenue. Seller’s program account number is SSU-R009527647.
Am I required to pay sales tax in states where The Teaching Company does not collect tax?
In certain states where The Teaching Company does not collect or remit sales tax, purchases are not exempt from sales taxes, and purchasers in those states are required to file the requisite sales or use tax returns and directly pay applicable taxes to the states. Additional information may be found on your state’s department of revenue website.
Why do I need a credit card to sign up for a free trial?
A valid credit card is required to ensure you are a real person and to help mitigate piracy during Free Trial Periods. Your card will not be charged as long as you cancel during your Trial Period. Cancelling during a Free Trial will end your membership immediately. You will not be entitled to another free trial if you join again. We advise cancelling at least 24 hours before the trial ends.


What devices and platforms are supported by the Great Courses Plus?
The Great Courses Plus can be enjoyed on mobile devices, desktop browsers, and TV connected devices. For the best experience, we recommend the following platforms. Mobile Devices:
  • Android phones and tablets (OS 8 and above)
  • iOS phones and tablet (OS 11 and above)
Desktop Browsers (the most current versions)
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Microsoft Edge
TV connected devices:
  • ROKU
  • Apple TV 4th generation or newer
  • FireTV
Can I view courses from "My Digital Library" on through my account on the Great Courses Plus?
Yes, Customers with accounts using the same email address for both and have been automatically linked and can access all of their content through any of our apps. Customers that used different email addresses for their accounts can still manually link their accounts using the link below. You can also access this through your Plus account settings

Does a single membership to the Great Courses Plus work on all of my devices or do I have to pay for multiple memberships - one for each device
You only need to pay for one membership to the Great Courses Plus. Your account will work across all of your devices and computers. The Great Courses Plus will track your viewing history and allow you to switch between devices and pick up watching where you left off.