Microsoft Word Essentials
Join The Great Courses and the Microsoft Office experts at ITProTV to learn how to navigate and utilize the many tools and techniques Word has to offer.


01: Overview
As one of the cornerstones of the Office suite, Word 2016 is a powerful word processor that allows users to create both simple and sophisticated documents. This series explores the essentials to getting started with Word 2016. We begin with basic skills such as navigating a document, selecting text, inputting basic text, and document proofing. The series also explores all aspects of character and paragraph formatting as well as page formatting and layout. While this series is designed for beginner users, it has lots of great tips and tricks experienced users as well. This series is specifically for locally installed Word 2016 on Windows operating system.

02: Introduction to Word
In this episode, Ronnie and Vonne introduce the Microsoft Word 2016 application. Vonne describes the product’s history, how to purchase and install, as well as her setup of the Word 2016 Essentials show. This provides some background information and context for the upcoming episodes.

03: Word Basics
In this episode, Daniel and Vonne demonstrate and explain the basic functionality of the Word 2016 application. Here you will learn foundational options like opening/closing the program, opening a new/existing file, minimize/maximize/restore, working with multiple files, save vs. save as, and keyboard layouts.

04: Word Interface
In this episode, Daniel and Vonne explore the Word 2016 interface. They identify items such as the title bar, menu bar, ribbon, contextual tabs, quick access toolbar, status bar, views, zoom, and help. They also demonstrate how to customize the quick access toolbar.

05: Document Views and Zoom
In this episode, Daniel and Vonne demonstrate the different document views and zoom options available in Word 2016. Here you will see how to work with the read mode, web layout, outline, draft, and print layout views. They also cover single and multi-page view, the ruler, and zoom functions.

06: Navigate a Document
In this episode, Daniel and Vonne illustrate one of the core Microsoft Word 2016 foundations – navigating a document. They explain the different mouse cursor icons that you'll encounter, show keyboard navigation shortcuts, explore the navigation pane, and discuss status bar options.

07: Select Text
In this episode, Daniel and Vonne explore the many ways that you can select text in Word 2016. Vonne demonstrates selecting text using both the mouse and keyboard to select words, paragraphs, ranges, and the entire document.

08: Input Text and Special Characters
In this episode, Daniel and Vonne demonstrate how to input text and explain special characters in Word 2016. They talk about adding basic text like letters, numbers, and symbols like \*/%/@. They also explain the difference between backspace and delete, paragraphs and line-breaks, and tabs. Finally, they explain the show non-printing characters button’s function and dive into some history about different character sets.

09: AutoCorrect Options
In this episode, Daniel and Vonne take a look at our well-intentioned friend known as AutoCorrect found in Word 2016. Watch as they show you AutoCorrect features like automatic formatting of lists, bullets, URLs, ordinals and fractions. They also demonstrate how Word fixes capitalization, common spelling mistakes, and a variety of other items.

10: Cut, Copy, and Paste
In this episode, Daniel and Vonne introduce you to the revered options of cut, copy, and paste in Word 2016. They will explain the difference between cut and copy, cut/copy from within the same document, copying from websites, and copying from PDFs and other file types. They will also discuss the different paste options for matching source, matching destination, and other options that arise from specific content.

11: Find and Replace
In this episode, Daniel and Vonne continue with Word 2016 Essentials by exploring the find and replace functionality. They show you how to find desired text, the find dialog-box options, replace found text with desired text, replace formatting, and replacing special/non-printing characters.

12: Proof and Print
In this episode, Daniel and Vonne explain proof and print functions. They cover topics such as spelling and grammar correction, readability options, thesaurus, and Smart Lookup. They also explain the different options for printing and introduce page setup functionality.

13: Character Formatting
In this episode, Daniel and Vonne explore character formatting in Microsoft Word 2016. Specific topics covered here include: defining character formatting, fonts, typographical emphasis, change case, superscripts and subscripts, highlighter, font color, letter spacing, and clear formatting.

14: Paragraph Formatting
In this episode, Daniel and Vonne explore paragraph formatting in Microsoft Word 2016. Specific topics covered here include: paragraph alignment/justification, line and paragraph spacing, normal paragraph style, indents, borders and shading, drop caps, and hyphenation.

15: Format Painter
In this episode, Daniel and Vonne demonstrate the format painter that copies formatting from one selection to another.

16: Lists
In this episode, Daniel and Vonne explore working with lists in Microsoft Word 2016. Specific topics covered here include: bulleted lists, format bullet characters, size, color, and spacing, numbered lists, multi-level lists, continue numbering, and remove or stop lists.

17: Tabs
In this episode, Daniel and Vonne explore working with tabs in Microsoft Word 2016. They demonstrate how tabs work by default in Word, then how to add, remove, move, and format tab stops.

18: Styles: Introduction
In this episode, Daniel and Vonne introduce working with styles in Microsoft Word 2016. They discuss the importance of using styles, identify types of default styles including the normal paragraph style, indicate style overrides and created styles, and show the location of different style panes for more options.

19: Styles: Apply
In this episode, Daniel and Vonne continue to explore styles in Microsoft Word 2016. They show how to apply default styles from the style gallery, then how to modify styles and update style to match selected formatting. They also demonstrate how to create a new custom style as well as clear overrides.

20: Style Sets and Themes
In this episode, Daniel and Vonne demonstrate style sets and themes in Microsoft Word 2016. They review the different style sets, paragraph spacing styles, and how to modify the components of a theme.

21: Keep Options, Breaks, and Columns, Part 1
In this episode, Ronnie and Vonne dive into the different elements of keep options (pagination options), breaks and columns. Vonne demonstrates the different pagination options in the format paragraph dialog box such as widow and orphan control, keep lines together, and keep with next. She also describes the importance of section and page breaks to control page layout options. Lastly, they explore formatting pages/sections in columns and column breaks.

22: Keep Options, Breaks, and Columns, Part 2
In this episode, Ronnie and Vonne continue with more page layout options by demonstrating how to insert blank pages and a cover page. They explore how a cover page use document fields connected to defined document properties, if present, as well as formatting content generated by the cover page.

23: Margins, Headers, and Footers, Part 1
In this episode, Ronnie and Vonne dive into working with margins. Vonne shows how to control margins using preset options, individual adjustments in the dialog box, and the ruler. She also shows how to add headers and footers and explore the different options of different first page, even / odd pages, and link to previous.

24: Margins, Headers, and Footers, Part 2
In this episode, Ronnie and Vonne continue working with header and footers by adding page numbers. Vonne demonstrates how to renumber pages for different sections as well as how to use the chapter page numbering options.

25: Orientation and Decoration
In this episode, Ronnie and Vonne show how to apply additional page formatting elements. Vonne begins with demonstrating the difference between portrait and landscape orientation. She continues with demonstrating page color and borders, vertical justification, watermarks, and line numbers.
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