Plato's "Republic"

01: Plato’s Life and Times
Lecture 1 moves from a brief overview of the course to a discussion of Plato's life and times, and the influences his world would have upon his work.

02: Book I—The Title and the Setting
In addition to introducing the characters of Plato's dialogue, this first book also introduces Plato's basic questions about justice and the person and method of Socrates.

03: Book I—Socrates versus Thrasymachus
The central debate of Book I takes place between Socrates and the Sophist, Thrasymachus. Though much of the latter's relativism is refuted, the questions at the heart of their dispute remain unanswered.

04: Book II—The City-Soul Analogy
Socrates introduces the city-soul analogy, the individual soul "written large," and we look at the first of the cities that will be constructed as a means of defining justice.

05: Books II and III—Censorship
Socrates argues that since the cultural world plays the central role in forming citizen character, music and literature of all kinds must be censored in a just city.

06: Book III—The Noble Lie
Socrates's censorship program culminates in the "noble lie," in which the city itself - where the predetermined social classes of birth should not mingle - is the parent.

07: Book III—Socrates's Medical Ethics
Socrates presents a radical view of the practice of medicine and the allocation of medical resources in his just city, and the student is challenged to articulate a response.

08: Book IV—Justice in the City and Soul
We see Socrates complete his city-soul analogy - including the "four cardinal virtues " - and then discuss Plato's psychology, especially his notion of the harmony of the soul.

09: Book V—Feminism
Do Socrates's conditions for justice make him a feminist? We examine his proposals in a contemporary light before moving to another condition: that a just city requires rule by philosophers.

10: Book V—Who Is the Philosopher?
A long intellectual detour moves us on our first step towards what is typically called "Plato's theory of Ideas," the cornerstone of his philosophical worldview.

11: Book VI—The Ship of State
A famous parable reveals one of the most pessimistic interpretations of "real world" politics ever conceived, along with a great irony about the role of philosophers in the real world.

12: Book VI—The Idea of the Good
Socrates finally reveals the answer to the question he has been evading all along: What does the philosopher-ruler actually know?

13: Book VI—The Divided Line
A single short passage turns out to be the most concise summary of Plato's conception of reality. Although it never becomes crystal clear, discussion does make it accessible.

14: Book VII—The Parable of the Cave
Perhaps because he realizes the difficulty of understanding both the Idea of the Good and the Divided Line, Socrates tells another parable: that of the cave.

15: Book VII—The Education of the Guardians
In answering why mathematics is so important to the education of the guardians, we complete our overview of Plato's "theory of Ideas" and his conception of education.

16: Book VIII—The Perfectly Just City Fails
As we begin our return to the discussion of actual politics, we learn a surprising irony about Socrates's conception of the perfectly just city: it is doomed to fail.

17: Books VIII and IX—The Mistaken Regimes
The fourth and final part of Plato's Republic, unlike earlier sections, is neither philosophical argument nor historical analysis; it is an explanation of how regimes change.

18: Book VIII—Socrates's Critique of Democracy
This lecture addresses what is perhaps the most politically charged issue found in this course, and addressing Socrates's challenges it should sharpen students' understanding of the regime that they likely think best.

19: Books VIII and IX—The Critique of Tyranny
Socrates offers a lengthy condemnation of tyranny, the worst of all possible regimes. We test his analysis by looking at the most notorious tyrant of our generation: Saddam Hussein.

20: Book IX—The Superiority of Justice
Socrates argues that the life of the just philosopher is happier and more pleasant than that of the unjust tyrant, returning to a key question posed in Book I.

21: Book X—Philosophy versus Poetry
Socrates returns to a subject first raised in Books II and III - this time with a critique even more severe.

22: Book X—The Myth of Er
Socrates tells a poem of his own, going directly to the issue of how human beings should live their lives and returning the Republic, full circle, to its opening theme.

23: Summary and Overview
In this lecture, we will review the journey we have taken through the ten books of Plato's Republic, trying to summarize the great achievements of this extraordinary book.

24: The Legacy of Plato's "Republic"
Whitehead characterized all of the European philosophical tradition as a "series of footnotes to Plato." We examine this wild exaggeration to see if, indeed, it holds any truth.