Writing Your Story


01: What Happens When We Keep Secrets?

02: Name Your Obsessions

03: Stick to Your Story

04: Identify Your Journey

05: Take Your Story Apart

06: The Landing Place

07: The Honesty Question

08: What's the Worst That Can Happen?

09: Descriptive versus Interpretive Language

10: Diagramming the Sentence

11: The Importance of Economy

12: Dialogue and Rhythm

13: Six Common Mistakes Writers Make

14: The Paragraph

15: Building the Arc

16: The Test of a Good Memoir

17: The Container

18: Two Containers from Scratch

19: Developing Your Container

20: Dissecting a Good Container Essay

21: The Writing Life

22: Creating a Writing Practice

23: What Gets in Your Way?

24: The Not-Writing Process

25: Criticism and Rejection