36 Big Ideas

01: The Big Bang
CONCEPT: The universe came into existence not as an explosion but as an expansion of space itself. The big bang theory proposes that the universe (with all its matter and energy) came into existence at one moment in time not as an explosion, but as an expansion of space itself. What observations support this theory? Find out the surprising conclusions today’s astronomers draw. from The Joy of Science, Lecture 32

02: Astronomy
CONCEPT: Almost everything we know about the distant stars comes from electromagnetic radiation traveling at 186,000 miles per second. Almost everyone loves astronomy, but few of us realize that it’s the science (and art) of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting photons from space. What are astronomical data? How are they collected by telescopes in space and on Earth? And how do astronomers gather, interpret, and explain what they find? from The Joy of Science, Lecture 29

03: Time’s Arrow
CONCEPT: The essence of time is its one-way, asymmetrical direction. Break an egg. Melt an ice cube. Mix coffee and cream. Each starts with an ordered state and ends with one that is much more disorderly. Examine the entropy of the universe and the one-way direction of time. from Mysteries of Modern Physics: Time, Lecture 4

04: Time Travel
CONCEPT: Real time travel would involve not de- and rematerializing, but moving through all intervening points between locations in space-time. Use a simple analogy to understand how a time machine might work. Unlike movie scenarios featuring dematerializing and rematerializing, a real time machine would be a spaceship that moves through all the intervening points between locations in space-time. from Mysteries of Modern Physics: Time, Lecture 19

05: String Theory, Membranes, and the Multiverse
CONCEPT: Tiny, one-dimensional strings could actually be the foundation of our entire physical universe. What exactly is string theory? What can M-theory and the behavior of black holes reveal about it? How does the theory of loop quantum gravity explain how gravity works at the quantum level? Answers to these mind-bending scientific questions await you in this lecture. from 12 Essential Scientific Concepts, Lecture 22

06: Three Faces of Information
CONCEPT: Ours is, without a doubt, an age of information. Consider that information could be independent of content—a radical idea that’s led to powerful information technologies that continue to change our world. By viewing DNA and black holes as actual structures of information, scientists now think that information is physically real. This lecture will take you on a mind-bending trip to the frontiers of science. This lecture is from Great Scientific Ideas That Changed the World by Dr. Steven L. Goldman, the Andrew W. Mellon Distinguished Professor in the Humanities at Lehigh University.

07: The Human Asteroid
CONCEPT: Despite our great strides in biological understanding, the diversity of species on our planet is decreasing at an alarming rate. Just as we find ourselves on the brink of truly understanding life’s diversity, we find ourselves on the brink of losing it. This concept is your window into the world of biodiversity. How do we measure biodiversity loss? And, more important, why should we care? from Biology: The Science of Life, Lecture 72

08: What Is the Meaning of Life?
CONCEPT: Surprisingly, vastly different civilizations come to some of the same conclusions about the answers to the meaning of life. What is the underlying meaning of life? While there may not be a single answer on which everyone can agree, there are recurrent themes that appear in the investigations of vastly different civilizations. Take a closer look at some of them in this lecture. from The Meaning of Life, Lecture 36

09: Psychology and Free Will
CONCEPT: Unconscious stimuli can actually have a profound effect on the choices you think you make independent of anything else. Although we may believe we understand our own minds and motivations, many psychologists believe we don’t have as much insight into the choices we make as we might think. This lecture describes experiments that demonstrate the effect of unconscious stimuli on our behavior. from Great Philosophical Debates: Free Will and Determinism, Lecture 15

10: What Is Existentialism?
CONCEPT: Existentialism is not a gloomy, anxious philosophy but a way of thinking that can be positive-minded and invigorating. Existentialism is recognized as a movement—rather than a school of thought or doctrine—and can be traced throughout the history of Western philosophy. You’ll discover that at the heart of this revolutionary philosophical outlook runs an emphasis on individualism, passion, and freedom. from No Excuses: Existentialism and the Meaning of Life, Lecture 1

11: Infancy Gospels
CONCEPT: Many of the most revealing stories about the life, deeds, and sayings of Jesus never made it into the New Testament. The four Gospels of the New Testament say very little about Jesus's life as an infant and a young boy. This "lost period" is the subject of several early gospels, including the Proto-Gospel of James and the Infancy Gospel of Thomas. What do these early gospels say? And why did they not make it into the New Testament? from Lost Christianities: Christian Scriptures and the Battles over Authentication, Lecture 10

12: The Problem of Pseudonymity
CONCEPT: Many religious writings in the ancient world were forged—sometimes by the author’s followers instead of the author himself. Explore the hard evidence that some of the letters circulating in Paul’s name were actually forged by other Christian writers. The New Testament contains both authentic and pseudonymous Pauline letters; and knowing who wrote what can have a profound effect on our understanding of the Bible and its history. from The History of the Bible, Lecture 4

13: Cosmic Hub at Stonehenge
CONCEPT: Ancient civilizations built amazing structures with mysterious purposes. Stonehenge is the iconic Neolithic and Bronze Age structure that represents the pinnacle of the megalithic tradition. Explore the history of this impressive wonder and mull over various interpretations archaeologists have put forth about this sacred landscape’s true purpose. from Exploring the Roots of Religion, Lecture 26

14: Washington—Failures and Real Accomplishments
CONCEPT: George Washington’s least-known presidential and military successes were actually his most important contributions to American history. Surprisingly, it may actually be George Washington’s least-known presidential and military accomplishments (and failures) that had the most dramatic impact on the early history of the United States of America. Learn why these “negative contributions” and “non-events” have often been ignored by many historians. from The Skeptic’s Guide to American History, Lecture 4

15: The Black Death
CONCEPT: The Black Death, which killed up to one-half of Europe’s population, made social mobility possible for the first time. The Black Death had a cataclysmic impact on medieval history, changing almost every aspect of life in the space of just a few short years. But one of the most intriguing changes was positive: social mobility that gave more power and autonomy to peasants and less to nobles. from Turning Points in Medieval History, Lecture 21

16: Gutenberg’s Print Revolution
CONCEPT: The Protestant Reformation, the Renaissance, and the Scientific Revolution would never have happened were it not for one single invention: the printing press. Trace how Johannes Gutenberg’s introduction of a press with movable type sparked a print revolution. His press became a key factor in the Protestant Reformation, the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, and the standardization of vernacular languages. from Turning Points in Modern History, Lecture 3

17: Mysteries of the Industrial Revolution
CONCEPT: The Industrial Revolution could only have happened in England, and only at the time in history that it did. Conditions for an industrial revolution were ripe in France, China, and the Ottoman Empire in the 1800s. So why was England the country where this landmark economic event occurred—and why could it only have been England? Find out by examining various explanations at individual, national, and global levels. from Foundations of Economic Prosperity, Lecture 9

18: A Renaissance in the Kitchen
CONCEPT: Renaissance court banquets were so grand that each of a typical banquet’s dozen courses was an entire meal in itself. Experience the mind-boggling grandeur of a Renaissance court banquet thrown on January 23, 1529, by the son of the duke of Ferrara. As you’ll learn, Renaissance banquets were less about taste and more about overwhelming the diner by the variety and elegance of each course. from Food: A Cultural Culinary History, Lecture 15

19: The Khipu
CONCEPT: The world’s largest untranslated written language was made with strings and knots. How did the Inca Empire manage to be so organized, expansive, and efficient? The answer: a set of strings tied with many tiny knots. Learn how these khipus acted as recording devices for everything that could be recorded in a normal document, from population censuses to histories to simple instructions. from Lost Worlds of South America, Lecture 21

20: Japanese—The World’s Most Complex Script
CONCEPT: Japanese writing is the most complicated script ever devised, and its complexity will likely never be abandoned. Borrowed and adapted from the Chinese, Japanese writing is the most complicated script ever devised. Find out how Japanese writing took on the complex form it has today, why attempts to simplify it have had little success, and the reason it’s unlikely the system will ever be abandoned. from Writing and Civilization: From Ancient Worlds to Modernity, Lecture 6

21: The Monomyths of Rank and Campbell
CONCEPT: There exists a universal template for mythic archetypes that overrides cultural origin. Heroic journeys enchant and inspire us—no matter what cultural heritage they originate from. Analyze this fascinating universality with a close look at the monomyths, a concept put forward by Otto Rank and Joseph Campbell. from Myth in Human History, Lecture 25

22: Why Texting Is Misunderstood
CONCEPT: Until the advent of e-mail and text messages, there was no truly conversational form of writing analogous to conversational speech. Contrary to what you may think, e-mail and texting aren’t bad writing. Rather, as Professor McWhorter shows, they’re a form of speech produced on the fly rather than with careful, largely solitary concentration, and they can actually tolerate a greater diversity of structures and vocabulary than formal writing can. from Myths, Lies, and Half Truths of Language Usage, Lecture 23

23: The Hard Problem of Consciousness
CONCEPT: Current scientific knowledge may be unable to accurately explain our subjective experiences. If there is a defining problem in the philosophy of the mind today, it is the idea of accounting for our subjective experiences. Go inside what David Chalmers calls the “hard problem of consciousness,” which offers some intriguing perspectives on how we perceive our experiences and ourselves. from Philosophy of Mind: Brains, Consciousness, and Thinking Machines

24: Our Changing Brain
CONCEPT: The human brain is not a static organ but has the ability to continually remold itself (like plastic) throughout a person’s life. Follow the evolution of neuroscience and discover how our brains—from the smallest brain cell to sweeping regions across the brain—demonstrate plasticity. Then learn about the stream of chemical reactions that affect memory, skill acquisition, and more. from 12 Essential Scientific Concepts, Lecture 9

25: The Strange World of Dreams
CONCEPT: Dreams have a powerful influence on our memory, our creativity, and our ability to recover from trauma. Before modern scientific methodology, the veracity of dream theories proved to be problematic; despite the subjectivity of Freud’s theories, they couldn’t be proven wrong. Find out how recent dream research offers new findings about the brain during sleep. from Secrets of Sleep Science: From Dreams to Disorders, Lecture 12

26: What Babies Know
CONCEPT: Babies are born with innate scripts that help them immediately make sense of the world through learning. While it may seem that newborns start life with a blank slate, they actually come outfitted with the capacity to start learning right away. Find out what early infancy research reveals about habituation, the importance of dishabituation, and how scientists perform testing on infants. from How We Learn, Lecture 6

27: Synesthesia—Tasting Color and Seeing Sound
CONCEPT: Some people have the ability to make different perceptive connections, such as associating letters with colors. What does blue taste like? What is the sound of the number five? People with synesthesia have answers to these seemingly bizarre questions. Learn about the ways in which their brains draw connections between different sensory inputs, and discover some interesting facts about normal perception as well. from Understanding the Secrets of Human Perception, Lecture 22

28: This Is Your Brain on Metaphors
CONCEPT: Metaphors are scientifically proven to literally change how (and what) you think. Discover how metaphors have an enormous, scientifically proven power on our minds. It turns out that your brain processes metaphors, analogies, parables, and other figures of speech (with all their confusion and symbolism) in very concrete ways—and it can sometimes even fall for just how literal they can seem. from Being Human: Life Lessons from the Frontiers of Science, Lecture 11

29: The Ancient “Art of Memory”
CONCEPT: An ancient mnemonic strategy dating back to ancient Greece is still one of the best techniques for aiding in memory recall. Memory improvement is far from a new goal. Here, learn about the Method of Loci, an ancient mnemonic strategy that dates back to classical Greece and Rome and was originally used to help people memorize large numbers of individuals. How does this strategy work? And what does it tell us about memory? from Memory and the Human Lifespan, Lecture 2

30: The Pleasures and Pains of “Maybe”
CONCEPT: Our brains prefer random rejection over always getting what we want. Go inside the neurobiology behind how (and why) we’re willing to tolerate such long delays in gratification. You’ll learn how gratification postponement explains why humans have achieved so much as a species, and also why we’re susceptible to crippling addictions. from Being Human: Life Lessons from the Frontiers of Science, Lecture 7

31: Stress and Growth—Echoes from the Womb
CONCEPT: While in the womb, a fetus can sense—and respond to—the environmental stressors of its mother. Explore the consequences stress can have on fetal life. You’ll learn how the biology of the mother-fetus relationship is such that everything that goes on in the outside world (including something as straightforward as extremely loud noises) can be experienced as stress inside the womb. from Stress and Your Body, Lecture 6

32: Frontiers of Cancer Treatment
CONCEPT: Personalized, engineered viruses can target tumors—but ignore normal cells. Today’s scientists can combat resistant cancers in a cutting-edge way: by creating special proteins and introducing them into a patient’s immune system cells; in essence, a cell vaccine that is a “self-vaccine.” Find out how it’s done in this look at the frontiers of how biotechnology is transforming how we treat cancer. from What Science Knows About Cancer, Lecture 22

33: Harvey, Discoverer of Circulation
CONCEPT: A description of blood circulation from 1628 is actually the greatest contribution ever made to the art of healing. Is it possible that a description of how blood circulates that dates back to the early 17th century could be the greatest contribution ever made to medicine? Investigate how the discoveries of William Harvey became a landmark moment in the history of medical science. from Doctors: The History of Scientific Medicine Revealed through Biography, Lecture 4

34: The Evolution of Behavior
CONCEPT: Species use behavior to maximize the number of copies of their genes that are passed on to subsequent generations. This lecture on the evolution of the brain and behavior reviews the mechanisms of evolution, and then looks at the ways species can maximize (through behavioral means) the number of copies of their genes that are passed on to the next generation. from Biology and Human Behavior, Lecture 10

35: When Incentives Backfire
CONCEPT: Economic incentives such as money can actually backfire and discourage behavior rather than encourage it. One of the most striking findings in behavioral economics research: Economic incentives (such as money) can actually backfire and discourage behavior rather than encourage it. Learn how this conclusion was reached through elegant studies, including one about the timing of parents who are picking up children at daycare¬¬¬. from Behavioral Economics: When Psychology and Economics Collide, Lecture 21

36: How Emotions Are Intelligent
CONCEPT: Our emotions have what philosophers call intentionality, which requires actual intelligence. Emotions, as it turns out, aren’t just feelings—they actually have intelligence. Here, explore the concept of emotional intelligence and the idea that emotions are actually engagements with the world that give us insights into its nature (and, like all intelligence, can sometimes be false). from Passions: Philosophy and the Intelligence of Emotions, Lecture 13