Abigail Johnson Dodge, Expert Baker
Beyond Grandma's Cake Roll: One Pan, Six New Cakes
Adam Jortner, PhD
10 Great What-Ifs of American History
Adam Vicarel
Hand-Lettering for Beginners
Akila Weerapana, PhD
Macroeconomics Made Clear
Alan Charles Kors, PhD
The Birth of the Modern Mind: The Intellectual History of the 17th and 18th Centuries
Alan Turner
Hand-Applied Finishing
Alex Filippenko, Ph.D.
Black Holes Explained
Skywatching: Seeing and Understanding Cosmic Wonders
The Great Courses Professors Remember Stephen Hawking
Understanding the Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy, 2nd Edition
What Can the James Webb Telescope See?
Alexander B. Swan, PhD
Understanding Cognitive Biases
Alexander W. Wiseman, Ph.D.
How the World Learns: Comparative Educational Systems
Alexandra Hudson, Author, Journalist, and Storyteller
Storytelling and the Human Condition
Alissa Branch, MA
Experiencing Shakespeare: From Page to Stage
Allan J. Lichtman, PhD
Great Presidents
Allen C. Guelzo, Ph.D.
A History of the United States, 2nd Edition
America's Founding Fathers
Mr. Lincoln: The Life of Abraham Lincoln
The American Mind
The American Revolution
Allison Friederichs Atkison, PhD
The Brain-Based Guide to Communicating Better
Written Communications: Being Heard and Understood
Allison K. Lange, PhD
12 Women Who Shaped America: 1619 to 1920
Allison Gilbert, Journalist
Reporting 9/11 and Why It Still Matters
Women Journalists of 9/11: Their Stories
Allyson Dykhuizen
Knitting 101
Alma Katsu, Retired NSA and CIA, Author
The Secret World of Espionage
Alyssa Crittenden, Ph.D.
Food, Science, and the Human Body
Alyssa Lundgren
How to Dance
Amanda H. Podany, Ph.D.
Ancient Mesopotamia: Life in the Cradle of Civilization
Amanda M. Rosen, PhD
Effective Research Methods for Any Project
Amishi Jha, PhD
Masters of Mindfulness: Transforming Your Mind and Body
Amy Alan
Beginner Serging: Machine Basics and Techniques
Amy-Jill Levine, PhD
The Old Testament
Andrew Newberg
The Spiritual Brain: Science and Religious Experience
Andrew R. Wilson, Ph.D.
Masters of War: History's Greatest Strategic Thinkers
Understanding Imperial China: Dynasties, Life, and Culture
Andrew Whelan
Freelancing 101: Turning your Side Hustle into Cash
Andy Chapman
Woodturning Basics: Seven Handy Kitchen Items
Andy Machin, Home Improvement Specialist
Fundamentals of Home Maintenance: From Repairs to Renovations
Angus Fletcher, Ph.D.
Screenwriting 101: Mastering the Art of Story
Aniruddh D. Patel, Ph.D.
Music and the Brain
Anita Foeman, PhD
How to Talk about Race
Identity in the Age of Ancestral DNA
Ann Petersen
Quilting Big Projects on a Small Machine
Ann Williams , PH.D., DEA
Learning French: A Rendezvous with French-Speaking Cultures
Anna Mason
Realistic Watercolors Step by Step
Anne Curzan, Ph.D.
English Grammar Boot Camp
How Conversation Works: 6 Lessons for Better Communication
The Secret Life of Words: English Words and Their Origins
Anne Yorks, Professional Baker
Celebrate With Cookies: 19 Favorite Designs
Cookie Decorating Season by Season
Annie Griffiths, Professional Photographer
National Geographic Masters of Photography
Anthony A. Goodman, M.D.
Lifelong Health: Achieving Optimum Well-Being at Any Age
The Myths of Nutrition and Fitness
Understanding the Human Body: An Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology, 2nd Edition
Anthony Martin, Ph.D.
Major Transitions in Evolution
Anthony Seeger, PhD
America's Musical Heritage
Ari Shapiro, Host of NPR’s All Things Considered
The Power of Storytelling with Ari Shapiro
Arnold Weinstein, PhD
Classic Novels: Meeting the Challenge of Great Literature
Arthur T. Benjamin, Ph.D.
Discrete Mathematics
Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio
Math and Magic
The Joy of Mathematics
The Mathematics of Games and Puzzles: From Cards to Sudoku
The Secrets of Mental Math
Barbara J. King, Ph.D.
Biological Anthropology: An Evolutionary Perspective
Barbara K. Bruce, Ph.D., L.P.
The Mayo Clinic Guide to Pain Relief
Barry C. Fox, M.D.
An Introduction to Infectious Diseases
Bart D. Ehrman, Ph.D.
From Jesus to Constantine: A History of Early Christianity
History of the Bible: The Making of the New Testament Canon
How Jesus Became God
Lost Christianities: Christian Scriptures and the Battles over Authentication
The Greatest Controversies of Early Christian History
The Historical Jesus
The New Testament
The Triumph of Christianity
Ben Willmore, Photoshop Expert
Adobe Lightroom Classic CC: The Complete Guide
Adobe Photoshop CC: The Complete Guide
Integrating Photoshop and Lightroom
Benjamin Schumacher, Ph.D.
Black Holes, Tides, and Curved Spacetime: Understanding Gravity
Impossible: Physics Beyond the Edge
Quantum Mechanics: The Physics of the Microscopic World
The Great Courses Professors Remember Stephen Hawking
The Science of Information: From Language to Black Holes
Beth Cabrera, PhD
How to Build a Thriving Workplace: A Leader’s Guide
Betsy M. Bryan, PhD
The Real Ancient Egypt
Beverly Johnson
Sewing Bras: Construction & Fit
Bill Briwa
Delicious Dishes for Every Season: Fall
Delicious Dishes for Every Season: Spring
Delicious Dishes for Every Season: Summer
Delicious Dishes for Every Season: Winter
Delicious Dishes for Every Taste
The Everyday Gourmet: Cooking with Vegetables
The Everyday Gourmet: Essential Secrets of Spices in Cooking
The Everyday Gourmet: How to Master Outdoor Cooking
The Everyday Gourmet: Making Great Meals in Less Time
The Everyday Gourmet: Making Healthy Food Taste Great
The Everyday Gourmet: Rediscovering the Lost Art of Cooking
The Everyday Gourmet: The Joy of Mediterranean Cooking
Bill Gates, Business Leader, Philanthropist, and Founder of Breakthrough Energy
En Busca de Cero Emisiones de Carbono
Solving for Zero
Solving for Zero: The Search for Climate Innovation
Bill Worden, Associate Professor of Spanish
Learning Spanish II: How to Understand and Speak a New Language
Learning Spanish: How to Understand and Speak a New Language
Bob Brier, Ph.D.
Decoding the Secrets of Egyptian Hieroglyphs
Great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt
History of Ancient Egypt
Wondrium Perspectives
Bob Krist
Bob Krist’s Off the Beaten Path
The Art of Video Storytelling
The Fundamentals of Travel Photography
Brad Barnes
Where Our Food Really Comes From
Bradley E. Schaefer, Ph.D.
The Remarkable Science of Ancient Astronomy
Brent A. Bauer, M.D.
The Science of Integrative Medicine
Bret W. Davis, PhD
Real Zen for Real Life
Brian M. Fagan, PhD
Human Prehistory and the First Civilizations
Brittany Warman, Folklorist
"Nosferatu" Examined: The "Dracula" Connection
The Real History of Dracula
Brooks Landon, Ph.D.
Building Great Sentences: Exploring the Writer's Craft
Bruce E. Fleury, Ph.D.
Mysteries of the Microscopic World
The Black Death: Did Humans Spread the Plague?
The Scientific Wonder of Birds
Bruce H. Edwards, Ph.D.
Mathematics Describing the Real World: Precalculus and Trigonometry
Prove It: The Art of Mathematical Argument
Understanding Calculus II: Problems, Solutions, and Tips
Understanding Calculus: Problems, Solutions and Tips
Understanding Multivariable Calculus: Problems, Solutions, and Tips
Bruce Markusen, Manager of Digital and Outreach Learning
Play Ball! The Rise of Baseball as America’s Pastime
C. Nathan DeWall, PhD
Scientific Secrets for Self-Control
Carol Nelson, Expert Art Instructor
New Approaches to Mixed Media Materials
Carol Symes, PhD
The Medieval Legacy
Caroline Janney, PhD
The Great Tours: Civil War Battlefields
Caroline Winterer, PhD
What America’s Founders Learned from Antiquity
Carrie Patterson, MFA
Visual Literacy Skills: How to See
Casey McFarland, Senior Tracker and Evaluator
Nature Watching: How to Find and Observe Wildlife
Catherine A. Sanderson, PhD
Introduction to Psychology
Catherine B. Scallen, PhD
Museum Masterpieces: The National Gallery, London
Catherine Kautsky, DMA
Great Piano Works Explained
Catherine Kleier, Ph.D.
Plant Science: An Introduction to Botany
The Botanist's Eye: Identifying the Plants around You
Chad Orzel, PhD
Einstein’s Legacy: Modern Physics All around You
Charles Edward McGuire, Ph.D.
The Great Works of Sacred Music
Charles L. Adler, PhD
How Science Shapes Science Fiction
Wondrium Perspectives
Charles Mathewes, Ph.D.
Books That Matter: The City of God
Why Evil Exists
Charles W. Bamforth
The Everyday Guide to Beer
Charlotte Mykura, MD
Epigenetics: How Environment Changes Your Biology
Christina Cameli, Expert Quilter
Free-Motion Quilted Gifts
Clare R. Kinney, Ph.D.
Shakespeare's Tragedies
Clinton Longenecker, Ph.D.
Critical Business Skills for Success
Colette Christian, Certified Executive Pastry Chef
Classic Croissants, Modern Techniques
Colin McAllister, D.M.A.
Great Guitarists' Stories and Styles
Learning to Play Guitar: Chords, Scales, and Solos
Playing Guitar like a Pro: Lead, Solo, and Group Performance
Connel Fullenkamp, Ph.D.
Crashes and Crises: Lessons from a History of Financial Disasters
Financial Literacy: Finding Your Way in the Financial Markets
The Economics of Uncertainty
Understanding Investments
Understanding the World of Financial Markets
Connie Guttersen, Ph.D.
The Everyday Gourmet: Making Healthy Food Taste Great
Constance Kassor, PhD
Tibet: History, Culture, and Religion
Cory Richards, Professional Photographer
National Geographic Masters of Photography
Craig G. Benjamin, Ph.D.
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
The Big History of Civilizations
The Mongol Empire
Wondrium Perspectives
Craig L. Symonds, PhD
The History of the United States Navy
World War II: The Pacific Theater
Craig R. Koester, Ph.D.
Reading Biblical Literature: Genesis to Revelation
The Apocalypse: Controversies and Meaning in Western History
Crystal Dilworth, PhD
Wondrium Insights: Achieve Your Potential
Wondrium Insights: Promises and Perils of Technology
Curtis Stone
Elevate Your Everyday Cooking with Curtis Stone
Cynthia Knox
Colored Pencil Basics
Cynthia R. Chapman, Th.D.
The World of Biblical Israel
Dacher Keltner, PhD
Masters of Mindfulness: Transforming Your Mind and Body
Dale Barnard
Shop Essentials
Dale Hoak, PhD
The Age of Henry VIII
Dalton Kehoe, Ph.D.
Effective Communication Skills
Dan Hooper, Ph.D.
The Great Courses Professors Remember Stephen Hawking
What Einstein Got Wrong
Wondrium Perspectives
Dana Anspach, BS
How to Plan for the Perfect Retirement
Wondrium Perspectives
Daniel Breyer, PhD
The Power of Thought Experiments
Understanding the Dark Side of Human Nature
Daniel J. Siegel, MD
Masters of Mindfulness: Transforming Your Mind and Body
Daniel M. Cobb, Ph.D.
Native Peoples of North America
Daniel N. Robinson, Ph.D.
American Ideals: Founding a "Republic of Virtue"
The Great Ideas of Philosophy, 2nd Edition
The Great Ideas of Psychology
Daniel W. Drezner, PhD
Foundations of Economic Prosperity
Dannagal G. Young, PhD
Propaganda and Persuasion
Darius Arya, PhD
Traveling The Roman Empire
Darley Newman
Travels with Darley – Season 1
Travels with Darley – Season 2
Travels with Darley: Seasons 3 & 4
Davarian L. Baldwin, PhD
How the Great Migration Changed America
David B. Ruderman, PhD
Jewish Intellectual History: 16th to 20th Century
David Bach, Author
Start Late, Finish Rich
David Brakke, Ph.D., M.Div.
Gnosticism: From Nag Hammadi to the Gospel of Judas
The Apocryphal Jesus
Understanding the New Testament
David Brody, Graduate Degree in Painting
How to Draw
The Complete Painter: Lessons from the Masters
David Christian, D.Phil.
Big History: The Big Bang, Life on Earth, and the Rise of Humanity
David Horton, J.D.
Law School for Everyone: Contracts
David K. Johnson, Ph.D.
Sci-Phi: Science Fiction as Philosophy
The Big Questions of Philosophy
Wondrium Perspectives
David Kung, Ph.D.
How Music and Mathematics Relate
Mind-Bending Math: Riddles and Paradoxes
David Livermore, Ph.D.
Customs of the World: Using Cultural Intelligence to Adapt, Wherever You Are
David M. Bressoud, PhD
The Queen of the Sciences: A History of Mathematics
David M. Meyer, Ph.D.
A Visual Guide to the Universe with the Smithsonian
Experiencing Hubble: Exploring the Milky Way
Experiencing Hubble: Understanding the Greatest Images of the Universe
David Mizejewski, Naturalist
Field Guide to North American Wildlife
David R. Stone, PhD
War in the Modern World
World War II: Battlefield Europe
David Sadava, Ph.D.
Understanding Genetics: DNA, Genes, and Their Real-World Applications
What Science Knows about Cancer
David Schmid, Ph.D.
The Secrets of Great Mystery and Suspense Fiction
David W. Ball, Ph.D.
The Nature of Matter: Understanding the Physical World
Wondrium Perspectives
David W. Martin, Ph.D.
Psychology of Human Behavior
David Zarefsky, Ph.D.
Argumentation: The Study of Effective Reasoning
David-Dorian Ross, International Master Tai Chi Instructor
Essentials of Tai Chi and Qigong
Martial Arts for Your Mind and Body
Mastering Tai Chi
Tai Chi Fitness Workouts
Tai Chi for Aging with Strength and Tranquility
Dawn Pierce, AD
How to Sing
Dean Hodgkin, B.Sc
Essentials of Strength Training
Physiology and Fitness
Debbie Caffrey
Cut to It: Strategies for Smarter Quilting
Debbie Millman, author, educator, brand strategist
A Brand Called You
Deepti Malik
Watercolor Cards Made Simple
Devoney Looser, PhD
The Life and Works of Jane Austen
Diana K. McDonald, Ph.D.
30 Masterpieces of the Ancient World
Don Lincoln, Ph.D.
The Evidence for Modern Physics: How We Know What We Know
The Theory of Everything: The Quest to Explain All Reality
Understanding the Misconceptions of Science
Donald D. Hensrud, M.D., M.P.H.
The Mayo Clinic Diet: The Healthy Approach to Weight Loss.
Donald E. Moore III, Ph.D.
Zoology: Understanding the Animal World
Donald G. Saari, PhD
The Power of Mathematical Thinking: From Newton’s Laws to Elections and the Economy
Donald J. Harreld, Ph.D.
An Economic History of the World since 1400
Wondrium Perspectives
Donna Baer, Author and Educator
How to Raise Lifelong Learners
Dorsey Armstrong, Ph.D.
Analysis and Critique: How to Engage and Write about Anything
Great Minds of the Medieval World
King Arthur: History and Legend
La Peste Negra: La Plaga Más Devastadora del Mundo
The Black Death: Did Humans Spread the Plague?
The Black Death: New Lessons from Recent Research
The Black Death: The World's Most Devastating Plague
The Medieval World
Women of History
Wondrium Perspectives
Years That Changed History: 1215
Douglas O. Linder, J.D.
Liberty on Trial in America: Cases That Defined Freedom
On Trial for Murder: America’s Most Famous Murder Trials
The Great Trials of World History and the Lessons They Teach Us
Dr. Grant L. Voth, Ph.D.
Great Mythologies of the World
Myth in Human History
Eamonn Gearon, M.A.
Stories about Great Storytellers
The History and Achievements of the Islamic Golden Age
The Middle East in the 20th Century
Turning Points in Middle Eastern History
Ed Kashi, Professional Photographer
National Geographic Masters of Photography
Eddie O'Connor, Ph.D.
The Psychology of Performance: How to Be Your Best in Life
Edie Eckman
Improve Your Crochet: Essential Techniques
Edward B. Burger, PhD
An Introduction to Number Theory
Zero to Infinity: A History of Numbers
Edward F. Stuart, PhD
Capitalism vs. Socialism: Comparing Economic Systems
Edward Fischer, Ph.D.
Peoples and Cultures of the World
Edward J. Larson, PhD, JD
Theory of Evolution: A History of Controversy
Edward K. Cheng, J.D.
Law School for Everyone
Edward L. Ayers, PhD
A New History of the American South
Edward M. Murphy, Ph.D.
Apollo 11: Lessons for All time
National Geographic Polar Explorations
Our Night Sky
Edward T. O'Donnell, Ph.D.
America in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era
Turning Points in American History
Edwin Barnhart, Ph.D.
Ancient Civilizations of North America
Exploring the Mayan World
Lost Worlds of South America
Maya to Aztec: Ancient Mesoamerica Revealed
Eileen Kennedy-Moore, Ph.D.
Raising Emotionally and Socially Healthy Kids
Elissa Epel, PhD
Masters of Mindfulness: Transforming Your Mind and Body
Elizabeth A. Murray, PhD
Forensic History: Crimes, Frauds, and Scandals
How We Move: The Gross Anatomy of Motion
Trails of Evidence: How Forensic Science Works
True Crime: Decoding the Evidence
Elizabeth K. Andre, PhD
Outdoor Fundamentals: Everything You Need to Know to Stay Safe
Elizabeth Vandiver, PhD
Classical Mythology
Greek Tragedy
The Odyssey of Homer
Ellen Hendriksen, PhD
Treating Anxiety
Emily Graham, PhD
The Surprising Lives of Christian Saints
Emily Levesque, PhD
Great Heroes and Discoveries of Astronomy
Eren Tasar, PhD
Crossroads of Civilization: A History of Central Asia
Eric Berger, JD
Law School for Everyone: Constitutional Law
The US Constitution through History
Wondrium Perspectives
Eric G. Strauss, PhD
Earth at the Crossroads: Understanding the Ecology of a Changing Planet
Eric H. Cline, Ph.D.
Archaeology: An Introduction to the World's Greatest Sites
Eric R Snodgrass, Master’s degree in Atmospheric Sciences
The Science of Extreme Weather
Eric R. Williams, MFA
"Metropolis" Examined: German Expressionism in Film
How to View and Appreciate Great Movies
Imagining Tomorrow’s Entertainment
Monsters Within ...
Eric S. Rabkin, Ph.D.
Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind: Literature's Most Fantastic Works
Eric Sussman, M.B.A.
Critical Business Skills for Success
Erica W. Carlson, PhD
Understanding the Quantum World
Wondrium Perspectives
Ethan Hollander, PhD
Democracy and Its Alternatives
Eve MacDonald, PhD
Hannibal: The Military Genius Who Almost Conquered Rome
Felix J. Lockman, Ph.D.
Radio Astronomy: Observing the Invisible Universe
The Great Courses Professors Remember Stephen Hawking
Fen Montaigne, Journalist
National Geographic Polar Explorations
Ford Cochran, Master of Philosophy in Geology
Wonders of the National Parks: A Geology of North America
Francis B. Colavita, PhD
Sensation, Perception, and the Aging Process
Francis Su, PhD
Mastering Linear Algebra: An Introduction with Applications
Frank Cardulla, M.S.
Chemistry, 2nd Edition
Frederick Gregory, PhD
The Darwinian Revolution
Gabrielle F. Principe, PhD
How Memory Works and Why Your Brain Remembers Wrong
Gabrielle Fundaro, PhD
Gut Health Explained
Gail Yellen
40 Techniques Every Sewer Should Know
Gale Gand, Pastry Chef and Partner of Chicago's Spritz Burger
Show-Stopping Make-Ahead Desserts
Garrett G. Fagan, PhD
Great Battles of the Ancient World
The History of Ancient Rome
Gary A. Rendsburg, Ph.D.
The Book of Genesis
The Dead Sea Scrolls
Gary Felder, PhD
The Big Bang and Beyond: Exploring the Early Universe
Gary K. Wolfe, Ph.D.
How Great Science Fiction Works
Gary W. Gallagher, Ph.D.
A History of the United States, 2nd Edition
The American Civil War
Gay Kraeger
Illustrated Nature Journaling
George R. Bent, PhD
Leonardo da Vinci and the Italian High Renaissance
George S. Geis, J.D., MBA
Law School for Everyone: Corporate Law
Gerard Puccio, Ph.D.
The Creative Thinker's Toolkit
Glenn S. Holland, Ph.D.
Religion in the Ancient Mediterranean World
Grant Hardy, Ph.D.
Great Minds of the Eastern Intellectual Tradition
Sacred Texts of the World
Greg Pryor, PhD
Pioneering Skills for Everyone: Modern Homesteading
Gregory S. Aldrete, Ph.D.
A Historian Goes to the Movies: Ancient Rome
A Historian Goes to the Movies: Gladiator Fact vs. Fiction
History of the Ancient World: A Global Perspective
History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach
Persuasion and Propaganda in Ancient Rome: Cicero's Oratory
The Classical Legacy: Ancient Greece and Rome
The Decisive Battles of World History
The Rise of Rome
The Roman Empire: From Augustus to The Fall of Rome
Unsung Heroes of the Ancient World
Wondrium Perspectives
H. Craig Heller, Ph.D.
Secrets of Sleep Science: From Dreams to Disorders
H. R. McMaster, PhD
Assessing America’s National Security Threats
Hannah B. Harvey, Ph.D.
A Children's Guide to Folklore and Wonder Tales
The Art of Storytelling: From Parents to Professionals
Hans-Friedrich Mueller, Ph.D.
Greek 101: Learning an Ancient Language
Latin 101: Learning a Classical Language
The Pagan World: Ancient Religions before Christianity
Harold J. Tobin, Ph.D.
Oceanography: Exploring Earth's Final Wilderness
Hasan Kwame Jeffries, PhD
African American History: From Emancipation through Jim Crow
Hayden J. Bellenoit, D.Phil.
A History of British India
Heidi Sormaz, Ph.D.
Overcome Your Overthinking
Yoga for a Healthy Mind and Body
Hugh Wilford, PhD
The Agency: A History of the CIA
The Secret World of Espionage
Indre Viskontas, PhD
12 Essential Scientific Concepts
Brain Myths Exploded: Lessons from Neuroscience
Creativity and Your Brain
How Digital Technology Shapes Us
Ira Block, Professional Photographer
National Geographic Masters of Photography
Irwin Weil, Ph.D.
Classics of Russian Literature
Isaiah M. Gafni, Ph.D.
Beginnings of Judaism
Great World Religions: Judaism
J Jackson-Beckham, PhD
The World of Beer: Tastes of History, Science, and Culture
J. Rufus Fears, Ph.D.
Books That Have Made History: Books That Can Change Your Life
Famous Greeks
Famous Romans
Life Lessons from the Great Books
Life Lessons from the Great Myths
The Wisdom of History
The World Was Never the Same: Events That Changed History
Jackson Crawford, PhD
Norse Mythology
James A. Sellers, Ph.D.
Algebra I
Algebra II
Mastering the Fundamentals of Mathematics
James Currie, Birding Enthusiast
The Great Tours: African Safari
The National Geographic Guide to Birding in North America
James D. Reid, PhD
Early Modern Philosophy: Descartes and the Rationalists
James F. P. Cotter, PhD
Practical Geology
James Hall, Ph.D.
Philosophy of Religion
James Hynes, M. Art
Writing Great Fiction: Storytelling Tips and Techniques
James O. Pawelski, PhD
Building Love That Lasts
James Pfrehm, PhD
Learning German: A Journey through Language and Culture
The Great Tours: Germany and Austria
James Richards
Sketching People, Places, and Landscapes
James Scott Bell, JD
How to Write Best-Selling Fiction
James Tanton, Ph.D.
Geometry: An Interactive Journey to Mastery
The Power of Mathematical Visualization
James W. Gregory, Ph.D.
The Science of Flight
Jane Friedman, M.A. in English
How to Publish Your Book
Janie Gildow, Professional Artist
Getting Started With Colored Pencil & Watercolor
Jared Platt, Portrait Photographer and Instructor
The Complete Guide to Smartphone Photography
Jarrod Atchison, Ph.D.
The Art of Debate
Jason C. Bivins, Ph.D.
Thinking about Religion and Violence
Wondrium Perspectives
Jason M. Satterfield, Ph.D.
Boosting Your Emotional Intelligence
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Daily Life
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Techniques for Retraining Your Brain
Mind-Body Medicine: The New Science of Optimal Health
Jason Rosenhouse, PhD
Mathematical Brain Teasers and Logic Puzzles
Jay L. Garfield, Ph.D.
Meaning of Life: Perspectives from the World's Great Intellectual Traditions
Jay R. Corrigan, PhD
Understanding Economics: Game Theory
Jean Donaldson
Ask a Dog Trainer
Dog Training 101
Jean-Pierre Isbouts, DLitt
In the Footsteps of Vincent van Gogh
Searching for the Historical Jesus
The History and Archaeology of the Bible
Jeanette Norden, Ph.D.
Understanding the Brain
Jeffrey C. Grossman, Ph.D.
Thermodynamics: Four Laws That Move the Universe
Understanding the Science for Tomorrow: Myth and Reality
Jeffrey Rosen, J.D.
Privacy, Property, and Free Speech: Law and the Constitution
Jennifer Cognard-Black, Ph.D.
Becoming a Great Essayist
Great American Short Stories: A Guide for Writers and Readers
Monsters Within ...
Women of History
Jennifer Golbeck
Taking Control of Your Personal Data
Jennifer McNabb, PhD
Renaissance: The Transformation of the West
Sex in the Middle Ages
Jennifer Nicoll Victor, PhD
Understanding the US Government
Jennifer Paxton, PhD
1066: The Year That Changed Everything
England: From the Fall of Rome to the Norman Conquest
The Celtic World
The Story of Medieval England: From King Arthur to the Tudor Conquest
The Viking Age: New Perspectives on History and Culture
Jennifer Shea, Founder of Seattle's Trophy Cupcakes
The Perfect Cupcake
Jennifer Simonetti-Bryan, Master of Wine and Certified Specialist of Spirits
The Everyday Guide to Spirits and Cocktails: Tastes and Traditions
The Everyday Guide to Wine
The Everyday Guide to Wines of California
The Everyday Guide to Wines of France
The Everyday Guide to Wines of Italy
Jennifer Verdolin, PhD
The Great Tours: Iceland
Jenny McCoy, Expert Pastry Chef
Cake Decorating
Creative Flavors for Cakes, Fillings & Frostings
Homemade Holiday Breads
Jeremy McInerney, Ph.D.
Ancient Greek Civilization
Jeremy Silman, International Chess Master
How to Play Chess: Lessons from an International Master
Jessica Graham
Masters of Mindfulness: Transforming Your Mind and Body
Jim Dailing
Soldering Success in Every Scenario
Jim Heavey
Drawers for Cabinetry & Fine Furniture
Jim Richardson, Professional Photographer
National Geographic Masters of Photography
Jo Marchant, PhD
The Human Cosmos
The Power of Mind over Body
Jodi Cobb, Professional Photographer
National Geographic Masters of Photography
Jodi Magness, Ph.D.
Jesus and His Jewish Influences
The Holy Land Revealed
Joe-Yogerst, Journalist and Travel Writer
The Wonders of America's State Parks
Joel Sartore, Professional Photographer
Fundamentals of Photography
Fundamentals of Photography II
National Geographic Masters of Photography
The Art of Travel Photography
John C. McManus, PhD
The Vietnam War
John Greene, PhD
The Great Tours: France through the Ages
John Hawks, Ph.D.
The Rise of Humans: Great Scientific Debates
John J. Renton, Ph.D.
Nature of Earth: An Introduction to Geology
John Keyser, Ph.D.
How to Program: Computer Science Concepts and Python Exercises
Introduction to C++: Programming Concepts and Applications
John L. Esposito, PhD
Great World Religions: Islam
John Long, Ph.D.
John M. Longo, Ph.D.
The Art of Investing: Lessons from History's Greatest Traders
John McWhorter, Ph.D.
Ancient Writing and the History of the Alphabet
How Hamilton Revolutionized the Broadway Musical
Language A to Z
Language Families of the World
Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths of Language Usage
The Story of Human Language
Understanding Linguistics: The Science of Language
John Medina, Ph.D.
Your Best Brain
John Phillip Colletta, Ph.D.
Discovering Your Roots: An Introduction to Genealogy
John R. Hale, Ph.D.
Exploring the Roots of Religion
The Art of Public Speaking
The Great Tours: Greece and Turkey, from Athens to Istanbul
The Greek and Persian Wars
John W. I. Lee, PhD
The Persian Empire
Jonah Berger, Ph.D.
How Ideas Spread
Jonathan Adler, Potter & Designer
Decorate like a Designer, with Jonathan Adler
Joseph H. Shieber, PhD
Theories of Knowledge: How to Think about What You Know
Joseph Koterski, S.J. , Ph.D.
Biblical Wisdom Literature
Joseph L. Hoffmann, J.D.
Books That Matter: The Federalist Papers
Law School for Everyone
The Evolution of American Federalism
Wondrium Perspectives
Joseph Lam, PhD
Creation Stories of the Ancient World
Joshua N. Winn, Ph.D. in Physics
Introduction to Astrophysics
The Search for Exoplanets: What Astronomers Know
Joyce E. Salisbury, Ph.D.
The History of Spain: Land on a Crossroad
The Middle Ages around the World
Warriors, Queens, and Intellectuals: 36 Great Women before 1400
Women of History
Joyce Maynard
Writing Your Story
Judith Cassel-Mamet, Artist and Author
Art Journaling With Watercolor, Ink & More
Everyday Urban Sketching
Judith V. Grabiner, PhD
Mathematics, Philosophy, and the “Real World”
Jules Whelpton, Professional Musician and Instructor
How to Play the Violin
Julia Nordgren, MD
Eat for Your Health: Simple Science and Fantastic Flavor
Julia Silvestri, PhD
American Sign Language for Everyone
Julian Treasure, Author and Speaker
How to Speak So That People Want to Listen
Julius H. Baliey, Ph.D.
Great Mythologies of the World
Juna Mustad, SEP
Masters of Mindfulness: Transforming Your Mind and Body
Justin M. Jacobs, PhD
World Heritage Sites II: 12 More of the World’s Greatest Places
World Heritage Sites: Exploring the World’s Greatest Places
Justine Lee, DVM
Veterinary School for Everyone: Caring for Cats and Dogs
Kasia Szpakowska, PhD
The Real Ancient Egypt
Kat McTee
Hand Embroidery
Kate Atherley
Knit Socks: Two at a Time!
Kate Fagan, Sports Journalist
Wondrium Insights: Finding Strength in Mental Health Struggles
Kate Liszka, PhD
The Real Ancient Egypt
Kate Richbourg, Author of "Simple Soldering: A Beginner's Guide to Jewelry Making"
Metalsmithing at Home
Kateri Ewing
Improve Your Paintings: Luminous Watercolor Mixing
Painting with Watercolors
See Better, Draw Better: Exercises for Beginners
Startup Project: Nature in Watercolor
Katherine Ramsland, PhD
Extreme Offenders: Psychological Insights
Kathryn McClymond, Ph.D.
Great Mythologies of the World
Kaye Whitehead, PhD
Pilot Lecture: History of Race
Keith Huxen, PhD
World War II: Up Close and Personal
Keivan G. Stassun, PhD
The Life and Death of Stars
Kelly Ashton
Finish It! Borders, Backing, Binding & Beyond
Ken Albala, Ph.D.
Cooking across the Ages
Food: A Cultural Culinary History
Kenneth G. Brown, Ph.D.
Influence: Mastering Life's Most Powerful Skill
Kenneth P. Vickery, Ph.D.
The African Experience: From "Lucy" to Mandela
Kenneth R. Bartlett, Ph.D.
The Development of European Civilization
The Great Tours: Experiencing Medieval Europe
The Guide to Essential Italy
The Italian Renaissance
Virtual Venice
Kenneth W. Harl, Ph.D.
Alexander the Great and the Macedonian Empire
Great Ancient Civilizations of Asia Minor
Origins of Great Ancient Civilizations
The Barbarian Empires of the Steppes
The Fall of the Pagans and the Origins of Medieval Christianity
The Ottoman Empire
The Vikings
Kerry David, Director
Bill Coors: The Will to Live
Breaking Their Silence
Kevin Ahern, PhD
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: How Life Works
Wondrium Perspectives
Kevin Flanigan, PhD, M.Ed.
Building a Better Vocabulary
Kim Werker
Crochet in the Round: Basics & Beyond
Crochet: Basics and Beyond
Kimber McGray
Cardmaking Essentials: Thank You Cards
Kimberlee Bethany Bonura, Ph.D.
How to Boost Your Physical and Mental Energy
How to Make Stress Work for You
How to Stay Fit As You Age
Wondrium Perspectives
Kristi Curry Rogers, PhD
Rediscovering the Age of Dinosaurs
Kristina Olson, PhD
Learning Italian: Step by Step and Region by Region
Kristine Carlson
Masters of Mindfulness: Transforming Your Mind and Body
Kristy Rice
Get Started Watercoloring: Fresh Florals
Kyle Kwiatkowski
Custom Built-In Shelves
Laird Close, Ph.D.
Life in Our Universe
Laura Helmuth, PhD
12 Revolutionary Discoveries That Could Change Everything
Examining the Big Questions of Time
Understanding Your Inner Genius
Laura J. Bottomley, PhD
Electrical Engineering for Everyone
Lawrence Cahoone, Ph.D.
The Modern Intellectual Tradition: From Descartes to Derrida
The Modern Political Tradition: Hobbes to Habermas
Lawrence Ian Reed, PhD
Understanding Human Emotions
Lawrence M. Principe, PhD
Science and Religion
Lawrence Weinstein, PhD
Nuclear Physics Explained
Lee Holden
Qi Gong for Better Health and Wellness
Leo Damrosch, Ph.D.
Books That Matter: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Rise of the Novel: Exploring History’s Greatest Early Works
Leslie Alexander, PhD
African American History: From the African Coast to the Civil War
Leslie Rogalski
Essential Seed Bead Techniques
Lillian Nayder, PhD
London in the Time of Dickens
Linda Chalker-Scott, Ph.D.
The Science of Gardening
Linda Lee
Fitting Solo: From Measurements to Muslin
Underneath It All: Guide to Interfacings, Linings, and Facings
Lisa Niven Kelly, Founder of Beaducation.com
Make Your Own Wirework Findings
Lonnie A. Gamble
Fundamentals of Sustainable Living
Lorilee Beltman
Knit Faster with Continental Knitting
Knitting 101
Louis Moore, PhD
A Pastime of Their Own: The Story of Negro League Baseball
Luke Goodhue
Milling Lumber: From Rough to Ready
Luke Timothy Johnson, Ph.D.
Great World Religions: Christianity
Jesus and the Gospels
Story of the Bible
The History of Christianity: From the Disciples to the Dawn of the Reformation
Lynne Ann Hartnett, Ph.D.
The Great Revolutions of Modern History
Understanding Russia: A Cultural History
Wondrium Perspectives
Lynne Olson
The Secret World of Espionage
Unsung Heroes of World War II: Europe
Malcolm David Eckel, Ph.D.
Great World Religions: Buddhism
Malcolm W. Watson, PhD
Theories of Human Development
Manushag N. Powell, PhD
The Real History of Pirates
Marc C. Conner, Ph.D.
How to Read and Understand Shakespeare
The Great Tours: Ireland and Northern Ireland
The Irish Identity: Independence, History, and Literature
Wondrium Perspectives
Marc Taro Holmes, Sketchbook Artist and Plein-air Painter
Everyday Urban Sketching
Marc Zender, Ph.D.
Writing and Civilization: From Ancient Worlds to Modernity
Margaret McClure, Landscape & Interior Designer
Fundamentals of Home Maintenance: From Repairs to Renovations
Margee Kerr, PhD
Understanding and Overcoming Fear
Margie Deeb
Jewelry Design for Bead Artists
Marisa Cranfill
Qigong Flow for Health and Happiness
Mark A. Stoler, Ph.D.
The Skeptic's Guide to American History
Mark Berkson, Ph.D.
Cultural Literacy for Religion: Everything the Well-Educated Person Should Know
Death, Dying, and the Afterlife: Lessons from World Cultures
Mark G. Frank, Ph.D.
Understanding Nonverbal Communication
Mark J. Ravina, PhD
The Rise of Modern Japan
Understanding Japan: A Cultural History
Mark Leary, Ph.D.
Understanding the Mysteries of Human Behavior
Why You Are Who You Are: Investigations into Human Personality
Your Public Persona: Self-Presentation in Everyday Life
Mark Steinberg, Ph.D.
History of Russia: From Peter the Great to Gorbachev
Mark W. Muesse, Ph.D.
Confucius, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad
Great World Religions: Hinduism
Practicing Mindfulness: An Introduction to Meditation
Marshall C. Eakin, PhD
Conquest of the Americas
Martyn Oliver, PhD
Introduction to the Qur’an
Mary Murphy
Simple and Stunning Watercolor Techniques
Massimo Pigliucci, PhD
Think like a Stoic: Ancient Wisdom for Today's World
Matt Rota
Mixed Media: Pen, Ink & Watercolor
Maureen Corrigan, PhD
Banned Books, Burned Books: Forbidden Literary Works
Megan Kate Nelson, PhD
Stories of America’s National Parks
Mehri Druckman
Fighting Misinformation: Digital Media Literacy
Mel Robbins, Speaker
How to Break the Habit of Self-Doubt and Build Real Confidence
Melanie M. Long, M.F.A.
Mastering Stage Presence: How to Present to Any Audience
Melinda Hartwig, PhD
The Great Tours: A Guided Tour of Ancient Egypt
The Real Ancient Egypt
Wondrium Perspectives
Melinda Myers
How to Grow Anything: Container Gardening Tips & Techniques
How to Grow Anything: Food Gardening for Everyone
How to Grow Anything: Make Your Trees and Shrubs Thrive
How to Grow Anything: Your Best Garden and Landscape in 6 Lessons
Melissa Booth, PhD
The Hidden Power of Microbes
Mia Whittemore
Floral Illustration With Watercolor & Gouache
Michael A. Roberto, D.B.A.
Critical Business Skills for Success
The Art of Critical Decision Making
Transformational Leadership: How Leaders Change Teams, Companies, and Organizations
Michael Carasik, PhD
Biblical Hebrew: Learning a Sacred Language
Michael Davie, Journalist and Documentary Filmmaker
America’s Great Trails
Michael Dues, Ph.D.
The Art of Conflict Management
Michael E. Wysession, Ph.D.
How the Earth Works
National Geographic Polar Explorations
The Science of Energy: Resources and Power Explained
The World's Greatest Geological Wonders
Michael Finke, PhD
Money Management Skills
Michael G. Goldsby, Ph.D.
The Entrepreneur's Toolkit
Michael Geisen, M.A.
How to Become a SuperStar Student
Michael H. Fisher, Ph.D.
A History of India
Michael K. Salemi, Ph.D.
Money and Banking: What Everyone Should Know
Michael Kalanty
The Complete Guide to Baking Bread
Michael Kehs
Woodturning Basics: The Bowl
Michael L. Littman, PhD
Introduction to Machine Learning
Michael Melford
National Geographic Masters of Photography
The National Geographic Guide to Landscape and Wildlife Photography
Michael Ormsbee, Ph.D.
Changing Body Composition through Diet and Exercise
Michael Poupko, Professional Musician and Instructor
How to Play the Ukulele
Michael Shelden, PhD
England, the 1960s, and the Triumph of the Beatles
George Orwell: A Sage for All Seasons
How Winston Churchill Changed the World
Reconsidering JFK
Michael Starbird, Ph.D.
Change and Motion: Calculus Made Clear, 2nd Edition
Meaning from Data: Statistics Made Clear
What Are the Chances? Probability Made Clear
Michael Yamashita, Professional Photographer
National Geographic Masters of Photography
Mike Robbins
Masters of Mindfulness: Transforming Your Mind and Body
Mike Siemsen
Woodworking Essentials: Benches & Boxes
Milton Muldrow Jr., PhD
Synthetic Biology: Life’s Extraordinary New Worlds
Mimi Guarneri, M.D.
The Science of Natural Healing
Mohamed Omar, PhD
The Mathematics of Everyday Life
Molly Birkholm
After the Trauma: Lessons from Marjory Stoneman Douglas
Building Your Resilience: Finding Meaning in Adversity
iRest: Integrative Restoration Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation
Molly Bishop Shadel, J.D.
How to Speak Effectively in Any Setting
Law School for Everyone
Molly McCowan, Editor and Writing Coach
Effective Editing: How to Take Your Writing to the Next Level
Molly Worthen, Ph.D.
The History of Christianity II: From the Reformation to the Modern Megachurch
Monisha Pasupathi, Ph.D.
How We Learn
Multiple Chefs for The Culinary Institute of America
Africa’s Culinary Diaspora in the Americas
Nancy Zarse, PsyD
Survival Mentality: The Psychology of Staying Alive
Natalie Schilling, PhD
English in America: A Linguistic History
Nathan Fluellen, Travel Influencer
Discovering West Africa: Ghana, Senegal, Cameroon
Neil deGrasse Tyson, PhD
My Favorite Universe
The Inexplicable Universe: Unsolved Mysteries
Nina Oduro
Fighting Misinformation: Digital Media Literacy
Nina Weiss
Startup Library: Painting With Acrylic
Noah Charney, PhD
Lost Art: The Stories of Missing Masterpieces
Pamela B. Radcliff, PhD
How the Spanish Civil War Became Europe’s Battlefield
Pamela Bedore, Ph.D.
Great Utopian and Dystopian Works of Literature
Pamela D. Pike, PhD
How to Play Piano
Patricia Watwood, MFA
7 Days of Drawing
Startup Library: Learn to Draw
Patrick Clark
Delicious Dishes for Every Season: Summer
The Everyday Gourmet: How to Master Outdoor Cooking
Patrick Grim, Ph.D.
Mind-Body Philosophy
Philosophy of Mind: Brains, Consciousness, and Thinking Machines
The Philosopher's Toolkit: How to Be the Most Rational Person in Any Room
Wondrium Perspectives
Patrick N. Allitt, Ph.D.
A History of the United States, 2nd Edition
America after the Cold War: The First 30 Years
How Railways Transformed the World
The American West: History, Myth, and Legacy
The Art of Teaching: Best Practices from a Master Educator
The Conservative Tradition
The Great Tours: England, Scotland, and Wales
The Industrial Revolution
The Surprising Origins of Christmas Traditions
The United States since 9/11
Victorian Britain
Wondrium Perspectives
Paul Anthony
Handheld Router Techniques and Tips
Paul Deslandes, PhD
Notorious London: A City Tour
Paul Heaston, MFA
Pen & Ink Essentials
Sketching People, Places, and Landscapes
Paul Robbins, Ph.D.
Understanding Cultural and Human Geography
Paul Rosenzweig
Hacking American Elections: Why We’re Vulnerable, and How We Can Stop It
Investigating American Presidents
The Surveillance State: Big Data, Freedom, and You
Thinking about Cybersecurity: From Cyber Crime to Cyber Warfare
Paul Wagner
The Instant Sommelier: Choosing Your Best Wine
Paul Zeitz, Ph.D.
Art and Craft of Mathematical Problem Solving
Paulo Dichone, Java Programmer
Learning Java Programming
Pei Ketron, Photographer
Social Media 101
Peter Bagge, Cartoonist
How to Create Comics
Peter Carmichael, PhD
The Great Tours: Civil War Battlefields
Peter Conn, PhD
Great American Bestsellers: The Books That Shaped America
Peter Irons, Ph.D.,M.A., J.D.
History of the Supreme Court
Peter J. Smith, J.D.
Law School for Everyone
Law School for Everyone: Legislation and Regulation
Peter John Reid, Expert Painter
Painting Trees in Acrylic
Reflections in Acrylic: Depicting Light on Water
Peter M. Vishton, Ph.D.
Outsmart Yourself: Brain-Based Strategies to a Better You
Scientific Secrets for Raising Kids Who Thrive
Scientific Secrets for a Powerful Memory
Understanding the Secrets of Human Perception
Peter N. Stearns, PhD
A Brief History of the World
Peter Reinhart
Artisan Bread Making
Peter Rodriguez, PhD
Why Economies Rise or Fall
Peter Saccio, Ph.D.
William Shakespeare: Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies
Phil Hirschkorn, Reporter
Reporting 9/11 and Why It Still Matters
Philip Daileader, PhD
Charlemagne: Father of Europe
How the Crusades Changed History
The Early Middle Ages
The High Middle Ages
The Late Middle Ages
Phillip Cary, PhD
Luther: Gospel, Law, and Reformation
The History of Christian Theology
Prince Ea, Inspirational Speaker
Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World
Pye Jirsa, Photographer
Lighting 101
Rachael Teufel, Cake Design Expert
Cake Logistics From Start to Finish
Ralph Lee Hopkins, Professional Photographer
National Geographic Polar Explorations
Ramon P. DeGennaro, PhD
How the Stock Market Works
International Economic Institutions: Globalism vs. Nationalism
Wondrium Perspectives
Randall Bartlett, Ph.D.
Thinking like an Economist: A Guide to Rational Decision Making
Randall D. Eliason, JD
White Collar Criminal Law Explained
Wondrium Perspectives
Ravi M. Gupta, PhD
Pilot Lecture: The Story of the Mahabharata
Raychelle Burks, PhD
True Crime: Decoding the Evidence
Renée R. Trilling, PhD
Old English Literature: Language as History
Rhiannon Giddens, Musician
The Banjo: Music, History, and Heritage
Rhéni Tauchid
The Texture Toolbox: Acrylic Medium Magic
Richard B. Spence, PhD
Crimes of the Century: A Selective History of Infamy
Secrets of the Occult
The Real History of Secret Societies
The Secret World of Espionage
True Crime: Decoding the Evidence
Richard Baum, Ph.D.
The Fall and Rise of China
Richard Bell, PhD
America’s Long Struggle against Slavery
Ordinary Americans in the Revolution
Wondrium Perspectives
Richard Brettell, Ph.D.
From Monet to Van Gogh: A History of Impressionism
Museum Masterpieces: The Louvre
Richard J. Haier, Ph.D.
The Intelligent Brain
Richard Kurin, PhD
Experiencing America: A Smithsonian Tour through American History
The Great Tours: Washington DC
Richard Miscovich
The Complete Guide to Baking Bread
Richard Restak, M.D.
Optimizing Brain Fitness
Richard Wolfson, Ph.D.
Earth's Changing Climate
Einstein's Relativity and the Quantum Revolution: Modern Physics for Non-Scientists, 2nd Edition
Physics and Our Universe
Physics in Your Life
Understanding Modern Electronics
Rick Hanson, PhD
Masters of Mindfulness: Transforming Your Mind and Body
Ricky Allman, MFA
How to Paint
Post-Impressionism: The Beginnings of Modern Art
Rob Glover
How to Dance
Robert Andre LaFleur, Ph.D.
Books That Matter: The Analects of Confucius
Great Mythologies of the World
Robert Bucholz, D.Phil.
A History of England from the Tudors to the Stuarts
Foundations of Western Civilization II: A History of the Modern Western World
London: A Short History of the Greatest City in the Western World
Robert C. Bartlett, PhD
Masters of Greek Thought: Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle
Robert C. Solomon, Ph.D.
No Excuses: Existentialism and Meaning of Life
Passions: Philosophy and the Intelligence of Emotions
Robert D. Miller II, PhD
Understanding the Old Testament
Robert Dancik
Settings for Every Shape
Robert G. Fovell, Ph.D.
Meteorology: An Introduction to the Wonders of the Weather
Robert Garland, Ph.D.
Athenian Democracy: An Experiment for the Ages
God against the Gods: The History of Monotheism and Polytheism
Living History: Experiencing Great Events of the Ancient and Medieval Worlds
The Greek World: A Study of History and Culture
The Other Side of History: Daily Life in the Ancient World
Wondrium Perspectives
Robert Greenberg, PhD
Bach and the High Baroque
Beethoven's Piano Sonatas
Chamber Music of Mozart
Concert Masterworks
Great Masters: Beethoven—His Life and Music
Great Masters: Brahms—His Life and Music
Great Masters: Haydn-His Life and Music
Great Masters: Liszt-His Life and Music
Great Masters: Mahler—His Life and Music
Great Masters: Mozart—His Life and Music
Great Masters: Tchaikovsky—His Life and Music
Great Music of the 20th Century
How to Listen to and Understand Great Music, 3rd Edition
How to Listen to and Understand Opera
Music as a Mirror of History
Symphonies of Beethoven
The 23 Greatest Solo Piano Works
The 30 Greatest Orchestral Works
The History of Christmas Concert Music
The Symphony
Understanding the Fundamentals of Music
Robert I. Weiner, Ph.D.
The Long 19th Century: European History from 1789 to 1917
Robert J. Allison, Ph.D.
The Age of Benjamin Franklin
Robert L. Devaney, PhD
Mastering Differential Equations: The Visual Method
Robert M. Hazen, Ph.D.
Apollo 11: Lessons for All time
The Joy of Science
The Origin and Evolution of Earth: From the Big Bang to the Future of Human Existence
Robert Sapolsky, Ph.D.
Being Human: Life Lessons from the Frontiers of Science
Biology and Human Behavior: The Neurological Origins of Individuality, 2nd Edition
Stress and Your Body
Roberta H. Anding, M.S.
Nutrition Made Clear
Robin Miller, MD
The Scientific Guide to Health and Happiness
Ron B. Davis Jr., Ph.D.
Chemistry and Our Universe: How It All Works
Foundations of Organic Chemistry
Understanding the Periodic Table
Wondrium Perspectives
Ronald B. Herzman, Ph.D.
Dante's Divine Comedy
St. Augustine's Confessions
Ronald D. Siegel, Psy.D.
The Science of Mindfulness: A Research-Based Path to Well-Being
Ronke Olabisi, PhD
How to Survive in Space
Roy Benaroch, M.D.
Medical News Explained
Medical School for Everyone: Emergency Medicine
Medical School for Everyone: Grand Rounds Cases
Medical School for Everyone: Pediatrics Grand Rounds
Practical Guide to Suicide Prevention
The Skeptic's Guide to Health, Medicine, and the Media
Wondrium Perspectives
Ryan Hamilton, PhD
Critical Business Skills for Success
How You Decide: The Science of Human Decision Making
Wondrium Perspectives
S. James Gates Jr., PhD
Superstring Theory: The DNA of Reality
Sabine Stanley, PhD
A Field Guide to the Planets
Salena Baca
Startup Library: Crochet
Salim Yaqub, Ph.D.
The U.S. and the Middle East: 1914 to 9/11
Sally Hurme, JD
Getting Your Legal House in Order
Sally Melville
Essential Techniques Every Knitter Should Know
Sam Kean
Unlocking the Hidden History of DNA
Sam Wang, PhD
The Neuroscience of Everyday Life
Sandy Neargarder, PhD
Understanding Disorders of the Brain
Sara Alm
Startup Library: Sewing
Sara Cleto, Folklorist
"Nosferatu" Examined: The "Dracula" Connection
The Real History of Dracula
Sarah Eyre
Professional Yarn Dyeing at Home
Satyan L. Devadoss, PhD
The Shape of Nature
Scientific American
Ask the Expert
Mind-Blowing Science: Season 1
Mind-Blowing Science: Season 2
Scott E. Page, Ph.D.
The Hidden Factor: Why Thinking Differently Is Your Greatest Asset
Understanding Complexity
Scott Huettel, Ph.D.
Behavioral Economics: When Psychology and Economics Collide
Scott M. Lacy, Ph.D.
Anthropology and the Study of Humanity
Scott P. Stevens, Ph.D.
Games People Play: Game Theory in Life, Business, and Beyond
Mathematical Decision Making: Predictive Models and Optimization
Scott Solomon, PhD
What Darwin Didn't Know: The Modern Science of Evolution
Why Insects Matter: Earth’s Most Essential Species
Sean Atkinson, PhD
Music Theory: The Foundation of Great Music
Sean Carroll, Ph.D.
Dark Matter, Dark Energy: The Dark Side of the Universe
Mysteries of Modern Physics: Time
The Great Courses Professors Remember Stephen Hawking
The Higgs Boson and Beyond
The Many Hidden Worlds of Quantum Mechanics
Wondrium Perspectives
Sean K. Todd, PhD
Life in the World's Oceans
Sean Kahlenberg, CHE, AOS
Cooking Basics: What Everyone Should Know
Cooking Better with Science
Seth Freeman, J.D.
The Art of Negotiating the Best Deal
Seth Lerer, Ph.D.
History of the English Language, 2nd Edition
Shamit Kachru, PhD
The Mind-Bending Physics of String Theory
Shana Kelley, PhD
Introduction to Nanotechnology: The New Science of Small
Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby
Crochet Toolkit: Designer Tips & Tricks
Shari Blaukopf
Sketching People, Places, and Landscapes
Sharon Latchaw Hirsh, Ph.D.
How to Look at and Understand Great Art
Shauna Shapiro, PhD
Masters of Mindfulness: Transforming Your Mind and Body
Sim Cass, Founding Baker of New York's Balthazar Bakery
Bake Your Own Bagels, Bialys & Pretzels
Simon Doubleday, PhD
After the Plague
Skye C. Cleary, PhD
Existentialism and the Authentic Life
Spencer Kelly, PhD
Language and the Mind
Stacey Trock
Amigurumi: Woodland Animals
Stanley K. Ridgley, Ph.D.
Strategic Thinking Skills
Stephanie Bower, Architectural Illustrator
Everyday Urban Sketching
Sketching People, Places, and Landscapes
Stephanie Kappel, Owner of The Hungry Hippopotamus
Better Basics for Exceptional Cookies
Stephen A. Erickson, PhD
Philosophy as a Guide to Living
Stephen Alvarez, Professional Photographer
National Geographic Masters of Photography
Stephen L. Durfee
Delicious Dishes for Every Season: Spring
The Everyday Gourmet: Baking Pastries and Desserts
Stephen Nowicki, Ph.D.
Biology: The Science of Life
Stephen Owen, PhD
When Everything Fails: Surviving Any Disaster
Stephen P. Hinshaw, Ph.D.
Origins of the Human Mind
Stephen Ressler, Ph.D.
Do-It-Yourself Engineering
Epic Engineering Failures and the Lessons They Teach
Everyday Engineering: Understanding the Marvels of Daily Life
Understanding Greek and Roman Technology
Understanding the World's Greatest Structures
Steve Joordens, PhD
Memory and the Human Lifespan
Steve L. Slezak, Ph.D.
Advanced Investments
Steve Winter, Professional Photographer
National Geographic Masters of Photography
Steven Gimbel, Ph.D.
An Introduction to Formal Logic
Redefining Reality: The Intellectual Implications of Modern Science
Take My Course, Please! The Philosophy of Humor
The Great Questions of Philosophy and Physics
Wondrium Perspectives
Steven L. Goldman, Ph.D.
Great Scientific Ideas That Changed the World
Science Wars: What Scientists Know and How They Know It
Science in the 20th Century
Steven L. Tuck, Ph.D.
Cities of the Ancient World
Pompeii: Daily Life in an Ancient Roman City
The Architecture of Power: Great Palaces of the Ancient World
The Mysterious Etruscans
Steven Novella, M.D.
Medical Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths: What We Think We Know May Be Hurting Us
Your Deceptive Mind: A Scientific Guide to Critical Thinking Skills
Steven Pollock, PhD
Great Ideas of Classical Physics
Steven Strogatz, PhD
Stuart Sutherland, Ph.D.
A New History of Life
Introduction to Paleontology
Suma CM, Multimedia Artist
Everyday Urban Sketching
Susan B. Anderson
Knitting 101
My First Toe-Up Socks
Susan Rubin
Colored Pencil Basics
Suzann Pileggi Pawelski, MAPP
Building Love That Lasts
Suzanne M. Desan, Ph.D.
Living the French Revolution and the Age of Napoleon
Suzanne Pilaar Birch, PhD
Early Humans: Ice, Stone, and Survival
Suzy Furrer
Patternmaking Basics: The Bodice Sloper
Sylvia A. Earle, Ph.D.
National Geographic Polar Explorations
Talithia Williams, Ph.D.
Learning Statistics: Concepts and Applications in R
Tammy Yard-McCracken, Psy.D., LPC
Understanding and Applying Self-Defense Strategies
Tanis Gray
Fair Isle Fundamentals
Tara McMullin, Small Business Expert
How to Turn Your Passion into Profit
Tara Susman-Peña
Fighting Misinformation: Digital Media Literacy
Ted Russin, MS
Cooking Better with Science
Ted Sargent, PhD
Introduction to Nanotechnology: The New Science of Small
Thad A. Polk, Ph.D.
Introduction to Cognitive Science
Shocking Psychological Studies and the Lessons They Teach
The Addictive Brain
The Aging Brain
The Learning Brain
The Opioid Epidemic: America's Deadly Addiction
Thomas A. Shippey, Ph.D.
Heroes and Legends: The Most Influential Characters of Literature
Thomas Childers, Ph.D.
A History of Hitler's Empire, 2nd Edition
World War II: A Military and Social History
Thomas F. X. Noble, Ph.D.
The Foundations of Western Civilization
Thomas Goldsby, Ph.D.
Critical Business Skills for Success
Thomas L. Pangle, PhD
The Great Debate: Advocates and Opponents of the American Constitution
Tilar J. Mazzeo, Ph.D.
Writing Creative Nonfiction
Tim Chartier, PhD
Big Data: How Data Analytics Is Transforming the World
Tim Laman
The National Geographic Guide to Landscape and Wildlife Photography
Timothy Taylor, M.Econ.
America and the New Global Economy
Economics, 3rd Edition
Unexpected Economics
Tristan Donovan, Journalist and Nonfiction Writer
Great Board Games of the Ancient World
Valerie Fridland, PhD
Language and Society: What Your Speech Says About You
Vanessa Van Edwards
Master Your People Skills
The Power of Body Language
Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius, Ph.D.
A History of Eastern Europe
Apollo 11: Lessons for All time
Communism in Decline: From Sputnik to Gorbachev
Communism in Power: From Stalin to Mao
History's Greatest Voyages of Exploration
The Rise of Communism: From Marx to Lenin
The Secret World of Espionage
Turning Points in Modern History
Utopia and Terror in the 20th Century
World War I: The "Great War"
Victor Ha
Fundamentals of DSLR Filmmaking
Victoria L. McAlister, PhD
Great Castles of Europe
W. Bernard Carlson, Ph.D.
Understanding the Inventions That Changed the World
Wallace J. Nichols, PhD
Masters of Mindfulness: Transforming Your Mind and Body
Wendy Quan, Founder, The Calm Monkey
Mindfulness for the Workplace
Wesley K. Clark, U.S. Army (Ret)
American Military History: From Colonials to Counterinsurgents
William Albert Allard, Professional Photographer
National Geographic Masters of Photography
William Dunham, PhD
Great Thinkers, Great Theorems
William E. Wallace, PhD
The Genius of Michelangelo
William Kloss, M.A.
A History of European Art
Dutch Masters: The Age of Rembrandt
Great Artists of the Italian Renaissance
The World's Greatest Paintings
William Landon, PhD
How the Medici Shaped the Renaissance
William Lidwell, M.S.
How Colors Affect You: What Science Reveals
William R. Cook, Ph.D.
Dante's Divine Comedy
St. Augustine's Confessions
The Cathedral
The Catholic Church: A History
The Lives of Great Christians
The World's Greatest Churches
Wind Goodfriend, PhD
Warping Reality: Inside the Psychology of Cults
Winnie Flemming
The Ultimate T-Shirt Quilt
Xandy Peters
Stacked Stitches: Knitting in Wild Color
Yuki Sasaki Caldwell, EdM
Learning Japanese: A Gateway into Culture
Zoë François
Startup Library: Baking & Pastry
The Complete Guide to Baking Bread